Publication information
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Source: Burlington Hawk-Eye
Source type: newspaper
Document type: article
Document title: “Dr. Rixey to Tell the Story”
Author(s): anonymous
City of publication: Burlington, Iowa
Date of publication: 27 September 1901
Volume number: 63
Issue number: 94
Pagination: 2

“Dr. Rixey to Tell the Story.” Burlington Hawk-Eye 27 Sept. 1901 v63n94: p. 2.
full text
William McKinley (medical care); Presley M. Rixey.
Named persons
Ida McKinley; William McKinley; Presley M. Rixey [first initial wrong below]; William K. Van Reypen.


Dr. Rixey to Tell the Story


A Full Report of McKinley’s Treatment to Be Made Public.

     Washington, Sept. 26.—The official medical history of the progress and treatment of the bullet wound that caused the death of President McKinley will be given to the world in the shape of a formal report by Dr. D. M. Rixey, the physician in charge of the case, to his chief, Surgeon General Van Reypen, of the navy. Some time necessarily will lapse, however, before the report, which will be exhaustive, can be prepared, as Dr. Rixey has been ordered by the president to remain for the present at Canton in attendance upon Mrs. McKinley. It is the opinion of the cabinet members and other important persons who were present in California during Mrs. McKinley’s recent critical illness, and in Buffalo after Mr. McKinley was shot, that Dr. Rixey demonstrated the highest skill as a physician. A man who was one of the late president’s close friends, who was in the Milburn house from the day of the shooting until Mr. McKinley died, is the authority for the statements that the others concur in this estimate of Dr. Rixey.



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