Publication information
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Source: Daily Picayune
Source type: newspaper
Document type: article
Document title: “To Rename the Philippines”
Author(s): anonymous
City of publication: New Orleans, Louisiana
Date of publication: 30 September 1901
Volume number: 65
Issue number: 249
Pagination: 2

“To Rename the Philippines.” Daily Picayune 30 Sept. 1901 v65n249: p. 2.
full text
Philippines (renaming as McKinley Archipelago); McKinley memorialization.
Named persons


To Rename the Philippines


Suggestion at Washington to Call Them McKinley Archipelago.

[Special to the Picayune.]

     New York, Sept. 29.—The World special says:
     Washington, Sept. 29.—A proposition to change the name of the Philippine islands to the McKinley islands, and thus perpetuate the memory of the murdered president, is being formulated here.
     If the proposition meets with popular favor and if the public men of both parties take hold of the matter, the next congress will be asked to make the change and inform the world that after the passage of the resolution the maps of the earth must be changed and the words “McKinley Archipelago” inserted where the “Philippine Archipelago” label has stood for 400 years.
     It has been proposed also that congress could with propriety go further and rename the islands in the group to commemorate the men who fought for them. For instance, Luzon might be named “Dewey island,” another “Lawton island” another “Funston island, ” and so on down through the list.



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