Publication information
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Source: Manila Times
Source type: newspaper
Document type: article
Document title: “A Prophetic Utterance”
Author(s): anonymous
City of publication: Manila, Philippines
Date of publication: 15 October 1901
Volume number: 2
Issue number: 178
Pagination: 4

“A Prophetic Utterance.” Manila Times 15 Oct. 1901 v2n178: p. 4.
full text
Charles Pullman (public statements); presidents (protection).
Named persons
William McKinley; Charles Pullman.


A Prophetic Utterance

     Mr. Charles L. Pullman, on the occasion of the assassination of President McKinley, referred to an interview he had with the President the day before he sailed. He said: “Although I’m a Democrat, I think I voice the sentiment of every American abroad in saying our sympathies go out to the President in this supreme misfortune. I had the privilege of talking to Mr. McKinley just before I left the United States. He was particularly anxious to learn all the details of my interview with the Tsar. I told him about the precautions taken to protect the Tsar.
     “The President, almost prophetically, said to me that it might be well such precautions were taken in a country so democratic as the United States. ‘In Russia,’ continued the President, ‘the ruler is hedged around with body guards [sic], while in America the President is almost obliged to shake hands with everybody who comes along.’



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