Publication information
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Source: Berkeley Daily Gazette
Source type: newspaper
Document type: editorial
Document title: “Reform Themselves”
Author(s): anonymous
City of publication: Berkeley, California
Date of publication: 16 September 1901
Volume number: 10
Issue number: 352
Series: new series
Pagination: 4

“Reform Themselves.” Berkeley Daily Gazette 16 Sept. 1901 v10n352 (new series): p. 4.
full text
San Francisco, CA (newspapers); Hearst newspapers; the press (criticism); yellow journalism.
Named persons


Reform Themselves

     It is amusing to see the San Francisco press abuse the Examiner. For the Examiner we have no respect, it is a vile sheet, and it is a sad commentary on the people of that city that they support it. But are other dailies which so wildly denounce it, without stain? Are they without fault that they may throw the first stone of condemnation? They are not near as bad, but all have sins to answer for, and have no place in a tribunal where clean hands are demanded.
     Let them cease their denouncing, wash the yellow stains from their garments, and try and be as virtuous, as honest, as free from anarchy, as they would have the Examiner. Let them blaze the path of honest journalism, and prove that their [sic] is money in it, and the Examiner will follow shouting for virtue and gathering in the nickels.



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