Publication information
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Source: Dakota Farmers Leader
Source type: newspaper
Document type: editorial
Document title: none
Author(s): anonymous
City of publication: Canton, South Dakota
Date of publication: 27 September 1901
Volume number: 12
Issue number: 14
Pagination: [4]

[untitled]. Dakota Farmers Leader 27 Sept. 1901 v12n14: p. [4].
full text
presidents (public access to); presidents (protection); presidents (handshaking in public); Theodore Roosevelt (presidential character).
Named persons
Humbert I; Theodore Roosevelt.



     Shall our presidents refuse to meet the people? Must they be hedged about by that something so different from divinity which surrounds the kings and prevents them from coming in contact with their people? Will our presidents be hurried by hidden ways and in closed and guarded carriages from place to place and never let the people look upon the face of their own anointed? Shall the presdent [sic] cease shaking hands with his people? For answer, watch Theodore Roosevelt. Can you imagine him for one instant refusing to meet his countrymen because somewhere in the crowd might be a hand which would speed a bullet to his heart? No. It is one of the “risks of the trade,” as King Humbert said. A man who will not meet his people is not worthy of becoming our president. Let there be all necessary precaution taken, but never let fear supplant the love which would grasp a fellow countryman’s hand.



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