Publication information
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Source: Buffalo Medical Journal
Source type: journal
Document type: news column
Document title: “Pan-American Notes”
Author(s): anonymous
Date of publication: August 1901
Volume number: 41
Issue number: 1
Series: new series
Pagination: 72-76 (excerpt below includes only pages 74-75)

“Pan-American Notes.” Buffalo Medical Journal Aug. 1901 v41n1 (new series): pp. 72-76.
full text
Roswell Park; Pan-American Exposition (medical matters).
Named persons
Roswell Park.


Pan-American Notes [excerpt]

DR. ROSWELL PARK’S excellent medical organisation has been warmly complimented by visiting physicians and sanitarians, who speak in the highest terms of the conduct of the hospital. Dr. Park’s supervision extends over all the grounds and buildings, and not a day passes that the sanitary officer on his staff does not report to him exactly the sanitary condition of the [74][75] exposition. Constant watchfulness keeps the foreigners clean, and surprise is expressed at the perfect sanitary supervision.



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