Were at Buffalo
The Exposition Will Continue Despite the Sad Affair.
Gen. William E. Spalding and Mrs.
Spalding were additional Nashuans who were on the exposition grounds
at Buffalo at the time of the attempted assassination of President
McKinley. Gen. Spalding was not however, in the reception hall in
the Temple of Music, as was Miss Grace E. Smith, whose description
of the terrible deed was in yesterday’s edition.
In speaking today of the terrible
affair, General Spalding said: “At the time of the shooting I was
crossing the grounds from the New England building and had only
just before noticed the streams of people who were going into the
building. When the news spread about the grounds that the president
had been shot, everything stopped, even the music and hubbub on
the midway, which is one of the noisest [sic] places on the
grounds, was hushed.
“There did not seem to be any great
excitement just after the affair had been committed, the people
on the grounds seemed to be overawed at the terrible deed rather
than excited at the time, although this gradually wore off and excitement
took the place.
“Everything on the grounds was stopped
for that day, although the next morning all was open and in full
swing again. The exposition will continue in spite of what has been
said to the contrary. The New England building seems to be as popular
as any, more from the fact probably that it is more of a reception
building than any other. The other state buildings are filled with
exhibits of products, while our building contains rooms for each
state in New England. The building is visited daily by large numbers
who make their headquarters there.” General and Mrs. Spalding returned
from Buffalo yesterday.