Has Fainting Spells but Recovers Quickly
Mrs. McKinley Has a Recurrence of Old Attacks—Dr.
Rixey Not Alarmed—
Says Her Condition Is Improving Daily.
Friday Mrs. McKinley had several
fainting spells, which she has been free from for some time, though
they used to be a daily occurrence. Dr. Rixey is not greatly alarmed,
however, by these symptoms. He states that Mrs. McKinle[y] is in
a better physical condition at present than she was before her illness
at the time of the trip across the country to the coast, though
she is not as strong as she was before the assassination at Buffalo.
The splendid weather since the funeral has been of great value to
Dr. Rixey’s plan of treatment. The daily carriage drives tires [sic]
Mrs. McKinley out[,] gives her a better appetite and induces sleep.
As long as clear weather continues this plan will be carried out
and it is the opinion of those in the household that if she is enabled
to take the drives for a month longer her condition will be so much
stronger that no fears of her collapse will be entertained.
It is believed that Dr. Rixey will
be in Canton until the middle of next week. He will probably leave
for Washington with Secretary Cortelyou, whose work here will practically
be finished at that time.