Editor’s Note Book [excerpt]
The dreadful blow which laid low
William McKinley, the beloved president of our nation, was aimed
at the principles upon which our republic is founded. Our fathers
gave their lives for these principles and established this government
that men might rule themselves and enjoy that more abundant liberty
which is possible only under a republic. Its essential purpose is
the establishment and maintainance of liberty by law, under
which there can be no tyranny and no anarchy. This principle can
only be kept by eternal vigilance. Our society was founded
“To carry out the injunction of
Washington in his farewell address to the American people, ‘To
promote, as an object of primary importance, institutions for
the general diffusion of knowledge,” thus developing an enlightened
public opinion, and affording to young and old such advantages
as shall develop in them the largest capacity for performing the
duties of American citizens.
“To cherish, maintain, and extend
the institutions of American freedom, to foster true patriotism
and love of country, and to aid in securing for mankind all the
blessings of liberty.”
The Daughters of the American Revolution
have their duty to perform in this emergency. We must proceed along
the lines which we have already laid out in the public schools and
among our foreign population. But we must work with renewed zeal.
Each chapter, by carefully looking over the field in their own vicinity,
can no doubt find the work to do best suited to the needs of that
place. The work of teaching an enlightened patriotism is
as important as that our mothers did in Revolutionary times. The
Daughters must not falter now. Let us work while it is day in the
cause of liberty under law. “His will be done.”