Antidote for Anarchy
Grace Wakeman, Regent, Daughters
of the American Revolution, writes from Southport, Conn., to the
press, suggesting that competent lecturers be sent into the “slums
where anarchy reigns,” to inculcate a reverence for government.
Now, I would inform Grace that that is exactly what the Socialists
are doing every day in the year. The Socialist lecturer is the only
antidote the slums ever have for anarchism, and if Grace cares to
push along the good work she can get full particulars from Leon
Greenbaum, Secretary, Socialist Party, Emilie Building, St. Louis,
If Grace don’t think that Socialism
is the only antidote for anarchism, then it is simply owing to her
If she thinks that Socialism is about
as bad as anarchism, then she should chip in with me and hire some
expert anti-Socialist lecturer to show up its fallacies.
I have given up hope of ever getting
money enough together to hire any such lecturers, but Grace inspires
me with renewed hope. Find your man, Grace, and I will pay half
his fee if the Daughters of the American Revolution will pay the
other half.
We must have “inculcation” at any