Publication information
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Source: Friend
Source type: newspaper
Document type: news column
Document title: “Summary of Events”
Author(s): anonymous
City of publication: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Date of publication: 5 October 1901
Volume number: 75
Issue number: 12
Pagination: 95-96 (excerpt below includes only page 96)

“Summary of Events.” Friend 5 Oct. 1901 v75n12: pp. 95-96.
Leon Czolgosz (trial); Booker T. Washington (public statements); McKinley assassination (African American response); anarchism (compared with lynching); anarchism (government response).
Named persons
Leon Czolgosz; William McKinley; Booker T. Washington; John E. Wilkie.


Summary of Events [excerpt]

     On the 26th ult., Leon F. Czolgosz was sentenced at Buffalo to be executed in Auburn prison during the week beginning Tenth Month 28, 1901. The only statement made by the prisoner in court was a reiteration of the claim that he had no accomplices. He was given every legal advantage, and counsel of the highest rank were assigned to defend him. The trial, conducted in an impartial manner, was concluded within two days. He was afterwards taken to the penitentiary at Auburn. Booker T. Washington has given out a statement in reference to the assassination of President McKinley, in which he says: “In all sincerity I want to ask is Czolgosz alone guilty? Has not the entire nation had a part in this greatest crime of the century? What is anarchy but a defiance of law, and has not the nation reaped what it has been sowing? According to records 2516 persons have been lynched in the United States during the past sixteen years. There are or have been engaged in this anarchy of lynching nearly 125,800 persons. Let us heed the words of our departed and beloved chief, as he lay upon his dying bed, referring to the murderer. ‘I hope he will be treated with fairness.’ If William McKinley, as he was offering up his life in behalf of the nation, could be brave enough, though thoughtful and patriotic enough, to request that his assailant should be fairly and honestly tried and punished, surely we can afford to heed the lesson.”
     Post Office inspectors all over the United States have been ordered by the Department to obtain a complete list of all the anarchists in their respective districts and forward it to Washington. In addition, it is desired that the names of the Anarchists’ wives and children also be sent, together with the names of those who have attended a meeting of anarchists or who rent buildings and halls to them. In fact, all the information that can be secured about this class of people is wanted. Chief Wilkie, of the Secret Service Bureau, will compile the names and data and have it printed in the “Red Book” for the information of Congress, to aid in shaping such legislation as may be deemed necessary.



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