Traitor Hanged in Effigy
Clarence Chamberlain, of Jefferson, Stirred Up Popular
Indignation by Disloyal Remarks.
His Mother Undertook to Defend His Course and Was Roughly
Handled—Similar Proceedings at Chariton—Iowa News.
Disloyal Utterances Stirred Up Popular Indignation.
Jefferson, Sept. 16.—Special: A hanging
in effigy took place upon the court house square here last evening,
the impersonation being Clarence Chamberlain, a man who resides
with his mother in the south part of town. This action grew out
of a remark made by Chamberlain Friday evening that McKinley, in
being shot, had received what he deserved after causing the death
of so many people in the Philippines.
For some time Chamberlain had been
employed upon road work about the streets, and Editor V. H. Lovejoy,
who is a member of the city council, went to the street commissioner
and protested against employing a man who would make such anarchistic
remarks. The commissioner demanded an explanation of Chamberlain,
who denied saying it, although the proof was conclusive that he
Later in the afternoon, Chamberlain’s
mother, who is somewhat of a fire eater herself, waited upon Editor
Lovejoy and heaped upon his head vile epithets so fast and thick
that a word in edgewise was impossible. She incidentally mixed with
her remarks that she believed, in McKinley’s case, the Bible prediction
of an “eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth” had come to pass
after his oppression of the Filipinos.
At this Lovejoy ordered her out of
the office. She replied that she had come there to tell him a few
things, and she was going to stay until she had had her say. Whereupon
Lovejoy took forcible means to eject her, a sleeve of the woman’s
dress being torn off as she was thrown from the office.
Lovejoy shut the door, but she returned,
upon which he called the city marshal, who ejected her once more
and marched her down the street. On the way she poured forth vile
epithets at McKinley and all other “black Republicans.”
The indignation of the citizens is
manifest, and, while the hanging in effigy was applauded by them,
they feel that more drastic measures are deserved. In the meantime
the Chamberlains are remaining away from the business part of town
and keeping quiet in the presence or hearing of anyone.
Unpatriotic Citizens Chastised.
Chariton, Sept. 16.—Special:
The news of the president’s death was received in Chariton with
almost universal sorrow. The business houses and postoffice were
draped in mourning and flags were flying at half mast from all corners
of the square and every place where a flag could be hung. There
were a few, however, that did not mourn his death, and some were
even unwise enough to express satisfaction over the outcome of his
wounds; but now they are all sorry that they spoke. One man, Frank
Wilson, a blacksmith, narrowly escaped bodily injury for his remark
that the president should have died long years ago. When his statement
became generally known a mob of nearly two hundred enraged citizens,
mostly farmers, went at once to his home and demanded an explanation.
He at first denied the statements and attempted to scare the crowd
by a show of a gun. They were not to be that easily frightened,
however, and cries of “Lynch him” were heard on all sides. The officers
who arrived on the scene attempted in vain to disperse the crowd,
but were successful in getting him away from the house and down
town, where he took the first train out of town and has not been
heard of since.
Not being satisfied, the crowd continued
to grow, and, in the evening they could not find Wilson, but heard
of similar remarks made by other people, and, hunting them up, they
choked and severely pounded one of them, and, after making him take
an oath of allegiance to the United States, his friends were successful
in getting him away from the crowd. They then waited upon another
man and gave him just twenty-four hours in which to leave the town,
and he promised to do so. Another man for whom they were looking,
having heard of the treatment accorded these, left town of his own
accord and could not be found.