Auburn Prison
Sunday afternoon the
editor of T S
heard Rev. Cordello Herrick, chaplain of the Auburn, N. Y., prison
talk almost one hour and a half in the M. E. church in DuBois, to
men only. His subject was “The Men Who Wear Stripes.” There are
1150 men in the Auburn prison. Their average age is 29 years; they
represent 267 different trades, callings and professions; 70 per
cent of them are unmarried; 37 per cent had been in reformatories
before going to prison; 84 per cent drank liquor; 64 per cent of
their fathers used intoxicants. There are a number of young men
in the prison between the ages of 18 and 22 years and a large percentage
of them read yellow literature and their crimes were committed on
account of reading that kind of trash. New York State has only one
prison for women and there are one hundred women in that prison
while there are four thousand men in the prisons of New York state
[sic]. Rev. Herrick said: “The women go to church and the
men go to prison.”
Rev. Herrick said that during the
seven years he has been chaplain of the Auburn prison there has
only been one prisoner in that institution who was not repentant
and sorry for the crime he committed and that was Czolgosz, the
assassin of President McKinley.