The Week [excerpt]
The Philadelphia North American
has collected the opinions of Congressmen on the following question:
“Do you favor forbidding the
entrance into the United States of those called anarchists and
believing in the destruction, overturning, and subversion of
established government, and an amendment to naturalization laws
making these principles a disqualification for citizenship?”
The North American says that every answer received has been
in the affirmative, which, no doubt, reflects the state of public
opinion at the moment, but the practical value of such legislation
would be small. It would not keep out any anarchist who really desired
to come to this country. Persons who have the purpose to assassinate
the rulers of nations, and who take the pains and precautions to
accomplish that end, would never be deterred from entering the United
States by any regulations that it would be possible to enforce.
Nobody who has the intention to commit murder will hesitate to take
a false oath. If the attempt is made to bring in testimony concerning
the intentions, opinions, beliefs, and affiliations of an arriving
passenger other than that derived from personal examination, then
anybody may be excluded by false testimony on mere suspicion. Practically,
the onus of proving a negative would be thrown upon every person
against whom a bad report had been lodged with the Superintendent
of Immigration. A bill to exclude anarchists was introduced by Senator
Hill of New York in the United States Senate in 1894, and it passed
that body, but failed to pass the House, because it was believed
to be impracticable. Of course, such a measure, if it had been in
force, would not have prevented the murderous assault on President
McKinley, since Czolgosz was born in the United States.