Publication information
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Source: Chicago Daily Tribune
Source type: newspaper
Document type: article
Document title: “Deny Bail to Anarchists”
Author(s): anonymous
City of publication: Chicago, Illinois
Date of publication: 10 September 1901
Volume number: 60
Issue number: 253
Part/Section: 1
Pagination: 1

“Deny Bail to Anarchists.” Chicago Daily Tribune 10 Sept. 1901 v60n253: part 1, p. 1.
full text
anarchists (Chicago, IL: arraignment); McKinley assassination (investigation of conspiracy: Chicago, IL); McKinley assassination (conspiracy theories); Carter H. Harrison, Jr. (public statements); Theodore G. Steinke (public statements); Herman F. Schuettler (public statements).
Named persons
Charles T. Brown; Luke Colleran; Leon Czolgosz; Jay Fox [first name wrong below]; Carter H. Harrison, Jr.; Hippolyte Havel [first name misspelled below]; Abraham Isaak, Jr.; Abraham Isaak, Sr.; Mary Isaak [variant first name below]; Mary Isaak (daughter) [variant first name below]; William McKinley; Julia Mechanic; Francis O’Neill; John E. Owens; Clemens Pfuetzner [first name misspelled below]; John K. Prindiville; Martin Rasnick [misspelled below]; Raymond Robbins; Michael Roz; Leopold Saltiel; Alfred Schneider; Herman F. Schuettler; Theodore G. Steinke; Howard S. Taylor; Enrico Travaglio [variant first name below].


Deny Bail to Anarchists


Nine Men and Three Women Arraigned at Harrison Street and Remanded, the Latter
Being Set Free Later in the Day—Habeas Corpus Writ to Be Tried—Evidence
of Conspiracy to Kill President Seen in Selection by Czolgosz of a Derringer.

     Charged by the Chicago officials with conspiring to murder the President of the United States, nine men and three women were arraigned before Justice Prindiville yesterday morning. The men were remanded without bail. Bail was allowed to the women, and later the charge against them was dismissed. Self-confessed Anarchists and boasting of their unbelief in all government and law, the prisoners had been expected to pose as martyrs. Instead they plainly showed their fear and anxiety over their detention and the charges pending against them.
     Shortly before 9 o’clock the nine men were taken hurriedly from their cells in the basement of the City Hall and under a heavy guard led to a patrol wagon. They were rushed into the vehicle, which was then driven rapidly to the Harrison Street Police Station. There they were all locked up in one cell while waiting for their case to be called.
     At the word of the bailiff the nine men, each guarded by a detective in citizen’s clothes, were taken into the courtroom. The three women were already there. The women cried and threw their arms around the men’s necks. The twelve defendants were:

Abraham Isaak Sr.,           Hippolite Havel,
Abraham Isaak Jr.,           Henry Travaglio,
Clemence Pfuetzner,           Michael Roz,
Martin Rosnick,           Morris Fox,
Alfred Schneider,           Julia Mechanic,
Maria Isaak,           Maria Isaak (daughter).

Cases Continued Ten Days.

     “What do you want done with these people?” asked Justice Prindiville when he saw the dozen prisoners lined up before him.
     “We ask a continuance of ten days and want the defendants held without bail,” replied Assistant Prosecuting Attorney John E. Owens.
     “Sept. 19,” said the court. “Men without bail. Women bail in the sum of $3,000 each.”
     “May it please the court,” shouted a man who proved to be Leopold Saltiel, an attorney, “I am here representing these defendants and consent to the continuance. I was called into this case about an hour ago and have had no time in which to prepare myself for an argument.”
     The appearance of an attorney in the interest of the defendants was a surprise to nearly all of them. Some of them had just declared they would employ no attorney, because they did not recognize law.
     “Can we not have an immediate hearing,” anxiously inquired Abraham Isaak Sr. “We are being kept in a vile place and are uncomfortable. It is a shame.”
     As if aroused by the protests of Isaak the other defendants grew demonstrative and began to voice their protests against their confinement. Their words availed them nothing, and after their cases had been set for Sept. 19, the prisoners were all returned to their cells.

Women All Set Free.

     Later in the day City Prosecutor Taylor, Chief O’Neill, and Captain Colleran appeared in court and dismissed the charges against the three women and all three were released. They returned to their home at 515 Carroll avenue, the place where they were arrested along with the men in the raid on the place on Friday night.
     “The cases were dismissed because we did not feel justified in holding the women,” said City Prosecutor Taylor. “They were detained because they were found in the company of the men. This was deemed necessary in a case of this nature. They are now free to return to their home. We are satisfied they were in no way connected with the alleged conspiracy.”

Habeas Corpus to Be Tried.

     Efforts will be made to obtain the release of the nine men on a writ of habeas corpus today. Leopold Saltiel, Charles T. Brown, and Raymond Robbins, attorneys, have been retained in the case, by whom is not clear. They held a meeting in the Unity Building last evening and decided to call on Mayor Harrison, Chief O’Neill, and Captain Colleran today, in an effort to ascertain why the nine prisoners were not released. If unable to convince the authorities that the men should be given their liberty, they will at once sue out a writ of habeas corpus. In that case the writ probably will be made returnable tomorrow morning.

Pistol Evidence of Plot.

     It is the theory of Mayor Harrison that Czolgosz selected a derringer as the best weapon with which to commit his crime on the advice of some expert on firearms. Then the Mayor goes one step farther in his reasoning and declares the would-be assassin was the person selected to carry out a well laid conspiracy.
     “I regard the selection of a derringer as the strongest point in the charge that President McKinley was attacked as the result of a conspiracy,” said the Mayor. “Not one man in 5,000 would buy a derringer to commit a crime. Yet it is the best weapon for such an act as Czolgosz was guilty of. I believe that others bought the weapon for him and planned the act.”

Thinks Prisoners Too Unanimous.

     “As far as the Chicago Anarchists now under arrest are concerned, I think the most suspicious thing against them is the fact that with singular unanimity they all declare they took Czolgosz for a spy while he was in Chicago. They all point out the warning against the man printed in the Free Society as proof of their innocence. Dr. Taylor tells me that Czolgosz confesses to having been in Chicago as late as Aug. 17. If that is true it tends to break down the statements of those Anarchists now under arrest in Chicago. We are working on this case and are going to get to the bottom of it.”

Derringer Chosen by Expert.

     “The illustration in THE TRIBUNE of the weapon used by Czolgosz convinces me that he had the advice of some one who was an expert on firearms,” said Theodore G. Steinke, who is well versed in the use of different styles of firearms. “It is the shortest and most effective weapon in existence. There are revolvers with short barrels which could be concealed under handkerchiefs, but they have not the power of the derringer with its comparatively long barrel. A short barrel revolver may not always kill, but a Derringer is considered ‘sure death’ under ordinary conditions.”

Schuettler Watching Anarchists.

     Captain Schuettler says he has under surveillance a number of men whom he suspects of being Anarchists.
     “I have several of these men under watch,” said the Captain. “We are doing this just for safety, and can place our hands on them in case they do not conform and live up to the laws.” Captain Schuettler said he would make no arrests until some demonstration was attempted.



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