Publication information
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Source: Atlanta Constitution
Source type: newspaper
Document type: article
Document title: “Kiss Assassin for Last Time”
Author(s): anonymous
City of publication: Atlanta, Georgia
Date of publication: 26 September 1901
Volume number: 34
Issue number: none
Pagination: 2

“Kiss Assassin for Last Time.” Atlanta Constitution 26 Sept. 1901 v34: p. 2.
full text
Czolgosz family (at Buffalo, NY); Leon Czolgosz (incarceration: Buffalo, NY: visitations).
Named persons
Patrick V. Cusack; Leon Czolgosz; Paul Czolgosz; Victoria Czolgosz; Waldeck Czolgosz; Frederick Haller; William McKinley; Thomas Penney.


Kiss Assassin for Last Time


Father, Brother and Sister of Leon Czolgosz Admitted to His Cell.
He Expressed No Contrition for His Deed and Asserted That No One Else
Was Concerned in Plot to Kill the President.

     Buffalo, September 25.—Paul, Waldeck and Victoria Czolgosz, father, brother and sister of Leon Czolgosz, the assassin of President McKinley, were granted an interview with the prisoner in the Erie county jail today. Assistant District Attorney Frederick Haller and Assistant Superintendent of Police P. V. Cusack were present under instructions of District Attorney Penney throughout the interview.
     No other persons will be allowed to see the prisoner until after the sentence of death is imposed tomorrow afternoon.
     The interview between the assassin and his father, brother and sister lasted thirty-five minutes, but no information leading to the implication of any one else in an anarchist plot to kill the president was given by the prisoner.
     “We learned nothing that we did not know before,” said Assistant District Attorney Haller at the conclusion of the conference.
     “He talked more than he has at any previous time, but even to his family he was not very communicative.”
     But little of the conversation which passed between the members of the family could be gleaned. The officials said that the conversation was naturally such as would occur at such a meeting and that it was better to throw the mantle of privacy over it.
     However, authoritative announcement was made that Czolgosz denied absolutely that any one else was concerned in the plot to kill the president. He asserted, as he has from the outset, that he did the deed alone and unaided, and that no other person in the world was concerned in the tragedy.
     Several times when he was pressed to tell the true story of the assassination, the prisoner repeated the words:
     “I did it alone; there was no one else.”
     The prisoner asked nothing about the other members of his family or his friends and did not give any evidence of sorrow or regret over his act.
     The father and brother were affected, naturally, over the meeting, but they gave little outward evidence of it. The sister cried all of the time, but the prisoner gave no evidence of feeling aside from saying that he was glad he could see them.
     At the end of thirty-five minutes the prisoner shook hands with his father and brother and his sister tearfully kissed him goodby. The family returned to Cleveland.



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