Publication information
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Source: Chicago Daily Tribune
Source type: newspaper
Document type: article
Document title: “Gives Up Czolgosz Tomb”
Author(s): anonymous
City of publication: Chicago, Illinois
Date of publication: 28 October 1901
Volume number: 60
Issue number: 301
Part/Section: 1
Pagination: 2

“Gives Up Czolgosz Tomb.” Chicago Daily Tribune 28 Oct. 1901 v60n301: part 1, p. 2.
full text
Henrietta Tice; Czolgosz memorialization; McKinley assassination (sympathizers); Abraham Isaak, Jr. (apologies).
Named persons
Ibrahim Bin Adham [variant spelling below]; Leon Czolgosz; Edward Hand; Enoch Hand; Abraham Isaak, Jr; William McKinley; Henrietta Tice.


Gives Up Czolgosz Tomb


Abandons Scheme for Mausoleum in Honor of Assassin and Proposes a Boarding-House Instead as a Memorial—Thinks Cold Stone Not Appropriate for “Warm and Loving Nature” of Doomed Anarchist—Says She Would Uphold Society.

     Should the public respond to her request for contributions to build a memorial to Leon F. Czolgosz, the assassin of President McKinley, Miss Henrietta Tice of 360 Fulton street will go farther than erect a mere mausoleum to his memory and will build and run a cheap boarding-house for workingmen. She has changed her mind, and now believes that a cold marble slab is not a fitting testimony to what she terms his “warm and lovable nature.”
     Miss Tice styles herself a “revolutionist,” and would upturn the entire order of government to obtain a state of free society. She considers Czolgosz a protesting human sacrifice to the present order of the human race. She lives in the rear rooms, on the ground floor, of a two-story frame building, and her neighbors say that she spends her time reading socialistic and anarchistic literature.

Cold Stone Not Appropriate.

     “I would go farther than build a shaft,” she said last night, “for his heart beat too fervently for his fellow-men to be represented in cold stone. Like Ben Adhem he loved his fellow-men, not wisely but too well. He could not do other than he did, for he was one of those men who are compelled by circumstances to step in and protest with their lives against the present system. He was a martyr for his down-trodden fellows, and they can better appreciate a cheap boarding-house than a cold marble slab. That is why I now want such a memorial.
     “I say that I am a revolutionist. You ask me if I am an Anarchist or a Socialist. I do not care what you call me, but I would upturn modern society. My great-grandfather was Brigadier General Hand of the revolutionary war, and my grandfather was Enoch Hand of the war of 1812. I am an American. Though my forefathers fought for the republic I do not love it. I was born in La Grange County, Ind., and have lived here since the World’s Fair. In this plan I would like to have men of the proletariat help along, and for this reason I used the daily papers to get their names.”

Apologizes to Czolgosz.

     Over the signature of Abraham Isaak Jr. there appears in the last issue of Free Society, the Anarchist publication, the following apology to Czolgosz:
     “In the issue of Sept. 1 of Free Society there appears a note of warning against a person as a spy. It is now practically certain that the person alluded to was Leon F. Czolgosz. Although at the time the warning seemed justified, it was an error. No matter what opinion one may have of Czolgosz, it will be admitted that he was not a spy. For that note I offer to Leon F. Czolgosz, hated and despised as he is by all the world, an apology.”



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