Publication information
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Source: Buffalo Enquirer
Source type: newspaper
Document type: editorial column
Document title: “Notes on Politics”
Author(s): anonymous
City of publication: Buffalo, New York
Date of publication: 6 September 1901
Volume number: 58
Issue number: 34
Pagination: 2

“Notes on Politics.” Buffalo Enquirer 6 Sept. 1901 v58n34: p. 2.
Marcus Hanna; Theodore Roosevelt.
Named persons
Marcus Hanna; Theodore Roosevelt.
The excerpt below comprises two nonconsecutive portions of the column. Omission of text within the excerpt is denoted with a bracketed indicator (e.g., [omit]).


Notes on Politics [excerpt]

SENATOR MARCUS A. HANNA’S boom for President seems to be growing and ere another week will probably be well under way. The formation of a HANNA Club in the Senator’s home ward in Cleveland is taken to mean that he sanctions the boom which has been started. An expert in creating enthusiasm and a man of wealth sufficient to keep it alive as is Senator HANNA will no doubt make a mighty showing when the convention acts three years hence.


VICE-PRESIDENT THEODORE ROOSEVELT, who was in this city recently has received over 2,000 invitations to speak since January 1st, a condition that would indicate that the San Juan hero is at least popular in his verbosity.



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