Publication information
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Source: Iowa State Register
Source type: newspaper
Document type: article
Document title: “Italian Anarchists Celebrated”
Author(s): anonymous
City of publication: Des Moines, Iowa
Date of publication:
9 September 1901
Volume number: 46
Issue number: 212
Pagination: 1

“Italian Anarchists Celebrated.” Iowa State Register 9 Sept. 1901 v46n212: p. 1.
full text
anarchists (Guffey Hollow, PA); McKinley assassination (sympathizers); McKinley assassination (public response: anarchists); Giuseppe Ciancabilla.
Named persons
Gaetano Bresci; Giuseppe Ciancabilla [identified as Garcia Ciamcavilla below]; Leon Czolgosz; Humbert I; William McKinley.


Italian Anarchists Celebrated

     McKeesport, Pa., Sept. 8.—Two hundred Italian anarchists celebrated President McKinley’s assassination today at Guffey Hollow, a mining hamlet across Youghiogheny river [sic] from Buena Vista. Beer, whiskey, songs and praises for Czolgosz were the order of the day. This is one of the largest anarchistic groups in the country. It was started and led for years by Garcia Ciamcavilla, who now lives at Spring Valley, Ill., and edits the “Firebrand,” the anarchist organ of Chicago. When Bresci assassinated King Humbert he declared that McKinley would be the next victim of the anarchist plots. He also drew up resolutions praising Bresci, which were published in Pittsburg [sic] newspapers. Since moving away the Italians say he has still been an active spirit in the Guffey Hollow group.



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