Publication information |
Source: Memorial Life of William McKinley Source type: book Document type: chronology Document title: “Principal Events During President McKinley’s Administration” Author(s): Townsend, G. W. Publisher: none given Place of publication: none given Year of publication: 1901 Pagination: 185-86 |
Citation |
Townsend, G. W. “Principal Events During President McKinley’s Administration.” Memorial Life of William McKinley. [n.p.]: [n.p.], 1901: pp. 185-86. |
Transcription |
full text of chronology; excerpt of book |
Keywords |
William McKinley (chronologies); historical events (McKinley administration, 1897-1901). |
Named persons |
Emilio Aguinaldo; Russell Alexander Alger; Pascual Cervera y Topete; George Dewey; William M. Evarts; John W. Griggs; Benjamin Harrison; Richmond Pearson Hobson; Henry W. Lawton; Joseph McKenna; Ida McKinley; William McKinley; Thomas Brackett Reed; Elihu Root; John Sherman. |
Notes |
Despite its seeming status as an end portion of chapter 8, this chronology
is not denoted in the descriptive matter found in the table of contents
or at the outset of chapter 8. Furthermore, the size of the type used
for the chronology’s title is equivalent to that for each chapter designation
(e.g., “CHAPTER VIII”). For these reasons the chronology is being categorized
herein as an item unto itself rather than as an excerpt of chapter 8. From title page: Memorial Life of William McKinley, Our Martyred President:
As a Man, the Noblest and Purest of His Times; As a Citizen, the Grandest
of His Nation; As a Statesman, the Idol of Millions of People: Containing
a Full Account of His Early Life; His Ambition to Obtain an Education;
His Brilliant Career as a Soldier in the Civil War; His Patriotic Record
as a Member of Congress and Governor of His State; His Able Administration
as President, Etc.; Including a Thrilling Account of His Assassination;
His Heroic Struggle for Life; Hope of Recovery Suddenly Blasted; Profound
Sympathy and Anxious Suspense of the Whole Civilized World, Etc.; Together
with a Full History of Anarchy and Its Infamous Deeds; Including the Life
of President Roosevelt. From title page: By Col. G. W. Townsend, the Well-Known Author, with
an Introduction by Hon. James Rankin Young, Member of Congress and Formerly
Clerk of the United States Senate. From title page: Profusely Embellished with Superb Engravings. |
Document |
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