Publication information
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Source: Leslie’s Weekly
Source type: magazine
Document type: editorial
Document title: “Government by Assassination”
Author(s): anonymous
Date of publication: 28 September 1901
Volume number: 93
Issue number: 2403
Pagination: 278

“Government by Assassination.” Leslie’s Weekly 28 Sept. 1901 v93n2403: p. 278.
full text
anarchism (public response); anarchism (dealing with).
Named persons
Antonio Cánovas del Castillo; Marie François Sadi Carnot; Leon Czolgosz; Elizabeth; Humbert I.


Government by Assassination

     SHALL the rule of the anarchist supplant the rule of order and civilization throughout the world? That is the question which the murder of Premier Canovas, of the Empress Elizabeth, of President Carnot and King Humbert brought to the lips of men. It is the question now which faces the American people in view of the awful deed committed at Buffalo.
     The wretch who took the life of our great and beloved President confesses himself to be an anarchist, a disciple of a certain notorious woman who has been going about this country in recent years preaching the doctrines of blood and lawlessness. Czolgosz says that it was this creature’s lectures on anarchism which incited him to the deed.
     These admissions are enough to call for and to justify a new and radical departure in the treatment of anarchists in this country. They have been treated too leniently; they have been allowed too much freedom of thought and action. Liberty to them has meant unlawful license. They have taken advantage of the shelter afforded by our laws to abuse their liberties. Under cover of these things they have pushed forward their propaganda of blood and hate. It was here, as all the world now knows, that the plot was hatched which resulted in the murder of King Humbert of Italy.
     We are now reaping the bitter harvest of this sowing. The same spirit which prompted the assassins of Humbert and Carnot nerved the hand of Czolgosz. He belongs to the same brood and confesses his kinship. The nest of vipers which we have been nourishing has sent out one of its number to strike down our chief executive, and the foul deed has been done. For that crime of crimes anarchy with all its bestial following may be justly held responsible, and the whole aggregation of brutes and fanatics should be made to suffer for it.
     It should not count for them that under the fear inspired in their cowardly breasts by the fierce outcry of an outraged and horrified people, they deny complicity in the deed, deny that Czolgosz is one of their number, should even profess through some of their mouthpieces that they deplore the action. Czolgosz himself declares that be is an anarchist and that it was the teachings of anarchy which inspired him.
     If there are no existing statutes which apply to this growing crowd of anarchists let such statutes be provided as soon as our legislatures can meet. An avowed anarchist is more dangerous than a wild beast and should no more be allowed to roam at large than a tiger from the jungle.
     To tolerate the existence of such beings is an abuse of free government. We owe it to the civilized world and we owe it to ourselves to move against anarchy and the anarchists with every power that outraged humanity can devise. We are far behind the other great nations in this matter. Now let us take the lead!



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