Publication information
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Source: Buffalo Review
Source type: newspaper
Document type: article
Document title: “Senator Mark Hanna Hastens to the Bedside”
Author(s): anonymous
City of publication: Buffalo, New York
Date of publication: 7 September 1901
Volume number: 19
Issue number: 79
Pagination: 1

“Senator Mark Hanna Hastens to the Bedside.” Buffalo Review 7 Sept. 1901 v19n79: p. 1.
full text
Marcus Hanna; Marcus Hanna (public statements); William McKinley (medical condition); Ida McKinley.
Named persons
Harry Hamlin; Marcus Hanna [misspelled below]; Ida McKinley; William McKinley; John G. Milburn; Presley M. Rixey.


Senator Mark Hanna Hastens to the Bedside


Finds President Resting Easily and Mrs. McKinley Enjoying Needed Sleep.

     Senator Marcus Manna [sic] was very much concerned over the whole affair. When seen by a REVIEW man last night at the home of Mr. Milburn, it was shortly after midnight.
     “Where were you, Senator, when you received the intelligence of the attempted assassination of President McKinley?” was asked.
     “I was at my home at Cleveland,” replied the Senator. “I was greatly grieved to hear of the distress into which the nation has been thrown. I telegraphed at once to Buffalo to obtain the true state of affairs here and the reply which I received stated that the condition was that serious that it was advisable for me to come on right away. I took the next train for this city, leaving Cleveland at 4:15 p. m. yesterday.”
     “Senator, what is your opinion of the President’s condition?”
     “It is almost impossible to make a forecast just now,” was the prompt reply. “Everything looks favorable but at this time, when the whole nation is on the qui vive for news of Mr. McKinley’s condition, the physicians are reticent about making any statements.
     “I had a long conversation with the attending surgeons, and from what I could draw out of them I conclude that the outlook is cheering. The President is resting comfortably and his physicians look for a quiet night.
     “I understand that Mrs. McKinley is sleeping soundly. The news was broken to her by Dr. Rixey, and she took it in a calm way.”
     The Senator will remain in Buffalo until a more defined prospect for the President’s condition can be learned. He scarcely expects to leave for home during the next few days. While here he will be the guest of Mr. Harry Hamlin.



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