Publication information
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Source: Washington Times
Source type: newspaper
Document type: column
Document title: “Social and Personal”
Author(s): anonymous
City of publication: Washington, DC
Date of publication: 12 October 1901
Volume number: none
Issue number: 2694
Pagination: 7

“Social and Personal.” Washington Times 12 Oct. 1901 n2694: p. 7.
Ida McKinley.
Named persons
Cornelia Gage; Adelbert Hay; Ida McKinley; William McKinley; John Addison Porter.


Social and Personal [excerpt]

     A member of one of the Cabinet families who hear [sic] frequently from Mrs. McKinley’s home, was speaking yesterday of fate’s inscrutable ways. “Do you remember,” she said, “how the world and his wife declared that Mrs. McKinley would never be able to stand the strain of official life when the President first entered the White House? And, now to think that the President, Vice President, Secretary Porter, and Adelbert Hay, four strong men have passed away, and poor Mrs. Gage, too, who was the picture of health—Mrs. McKinley has outlived them all. The only way to account for it is in Mr. McKinley’s own words, ‘It is God’s way.’”



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