Publication information
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Source: American Architect and Building News
Source type: journal
Document type: editorial
Document title: none
Author(s): anonymous
Date of publication: 23 November 1901
Volume number: 74
Issue number: 1352
Pagination: 57

[untitled]. American Architect and Building News 23 Nov. 1901 v74n1352: p. 57.
full text
McKinley memorial (Washington, DC); James McMillan.
Named persons
William McKinley; James McMillan.



SENATOR MCMILLAN, of Michigan, who has for many years been one of the firmest and most enlightened friends of public art in Washington, has had the courage, according to the newspapers, to speak with disapproval of the scheme for building a “memorial bridge” across the Potomac in memory of the late President McKinley. Some of the people most familiar with the subject speak of the plan as an attempt to utilize the affection of the nation for Mr. McKinley to resuscitate the project for a “memorial bridge” which has been agitated for several years in connection with various other objects; and Mr. McMillan says, with good reason, that the agitation at present for a huge memorial at Washington injures the prospect of obtaining a satisfactory monument at Canton, Ohio, which should certainly possess the first, if not the most imposing, memorial of its beloved citizen. As Mr. McMillan was one of the best and most devoted friends of the late President, no one can twist his words into any disrespect to his memory; and, in pointing out the objection to public agitation for two monuments at once, he has rendered a service to the cause of American art, which will be much more effectually promoted by the dissemination of important monuments through the country, leaving the memorials which should adorn Washington to mature consideration, in connection with the general treatment of the city, than by hastening to crowd the Capitol with gigantic combinations of engineering, architecture and sculpture, dedicated to the memory of public men.



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