Publication information
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Source: Syracuse Journal
Source type: newspaper
Document type: article
Document title: “Assassin’s Body Now Consumed”
Author(s): anonymous
City of publication: Syracuse, New York
Date of publication: 31 October 1901
Volume number: 57
Issue number: 257
Pagination: [3?]

“Assassin’s Body Now Consumed.” Syracuse Journal 31 Oct. 1901 v57n257: p. [3?].
full text
Leon Czolgosz (disposal of remains); Leon Czolgosz (gravesite); Waldeck Czolgosz; Czolgosz family (at Auburn, NY); Leon Czolgosz (death certificate); Auburn State Prison.
Named persons
Thomas Bandowski; Leon Czolgosz; Waldeck Czolgosz [first name misspelled below]; William McKinley; J. Warren Mead.


Assassin’s Body Now Consumed


Sulphuric Acid Is Believed to Have Done Its Work.
Cemetery Visited by the Murderer’s Brother, Waldek Czolgosz and Thomas Bandowski.

Special to The Journal.

     AUBURN, Oct. 31.—The fuming sulphuric acid and quicklime, in which the body of President McKinley’s assassin was immersed, is believed to have done its work and in all probability all that now remains of Leon F. Czolgosz is a semi-liquid or gelatinous mass bearing not the slightest resemblance to the human form.
     Chemical experts hereabouts, however, have questioned the wisdom of adding vitriol to the lime, for it is indisputable that when an acid like sulphuric comes in contact with an alkali like quicklime the resultant effect is for one to neutralize the other. But, notwithstanding, between the two chemicals the body no doubt by this time has been resolved into its primary constituents.
     So hurried was the interment that the remains were neither clothed nor were the incisions made by the knives of the physicians sewed up. The corpse of Czolgosz was simply thrown into a rough pine box in shape like a dry goods box and upon it were placed the skull cap, brain, viscera and the other organs that had been removed during the autopsy.

Visiied [sic] the Grave.

     At a late hour in the afternoon Waldek Czolgosz, the Anarchist’s brother, paid a visit to the cemetery. He was accompanied by Thomas Bandowski, his brother-in-law, but neither of them displayed any emotion. No death certificate has been given to the brother, but Warden Mead will grant one if the proper papers are forwarded by the insurance organization to which the assassin belonged.
     Neither has any guard or watchman been placed at the grave, as it would be absolutely impossible for any ghouls or grave robbers to disturb the body, lying as it is in the midst of a seething cauldron of liquid fire. Waldek says that he does not intend to change his name, but he expects to abandon farming and start in business on a small scale in Cleveland, although what business he does not state. Waldek Czolgosz and Bandowski left for Cleveland yesterday.
     The prison has resumed its customary routine and as nearly all the spectators of the electrocution and visiting newspaper men have left town, there is practically nothing to bring to mind the fact that this city was very lately the scene of the concluding act of a great national tragedy.



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