Publication information
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Source: Sun
Source type: newspaper
Document type: article
Document title: “The President’s New Nurse”
Author(s): anonymous
City of publication: New York, New York
Date of publication: 12 September 1901
Volume number: 69
Issue number: 12
Pagination: 8

“The President’s New Nurse.” Sun [New York] 12 Sept. 1901 v69n12: p. 8.
full text
Grace McKenzie; McKinley nurses.
Named persons
Cornelia Gage; Barbara McKenzie; Grace McKenzie; William McKinley; Presley M. Rixey.


The President’s New Nurse


Career of Miss McKenzie Who Has Just Gone to Buffalo.

     PHILADELPHIA, Sept. 11.—Miss Grace McKenzie, who has gone to nurse President McKinley, is a graduate of the Nurses’ Training School of Kensington Hospital for women. She came here from Canada in 1892 and was graduated in 1894. Her career at the hospital during her course of study was marked by no particular incident. But from the first she was like by physicians and patients because of the quickness with which she perceived what was necessary to be done, and the ease, skill and quiet that characterized her work. She is possibly 27 years old, is about 5 feet 5 inches in height, and weight 135 pounds. She has a well-shaped head, pretty face, kindly blue eyes and a goodly quantity of golden hair. Her voice is low and her manner pleasant.
     After graduating she went to Baltimore and secured employment in the Kelly sanitarium. Having secured experience there, she became a private nurse and attended many cases in Baltimore and Washington. It was in Washington that she met Dr. Rixey, when she was nursing Mrs. Lyman J. Gage, wife of the Secretary of the Treasury, who died last year.
     Miss McKenzie is not a Canadian by birth. Her parents are Scotch and she was born in that country. She has a sister Barbara, who is now a trained nurse in Hamilton, Ont. Miss Barbara was graduated from the Kensington Hospital a year later than Miss Grace.



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