Publication information
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Source: Congressional Record
Source type: government document
Document type: record of proceedings (U.S. House of Representatives)
Document title: “House of Representatives”
Author(s): United States Congress
Date of publication: 20 January 1902
Volume number: 35
Issue number: 25
Pagination: 771-89 (excerpt below includes only page 771)

“House of Representatives.” Congressional Record 20 Jan. 1902 v35n25: pp. 771-89.
McKinley memorial services (Washington, DC: U.S. Congress).
Named persons
Henry N. Couden; Joseph B. Foraker; Charles H. Grosvenor; William Henry Milburn.
“Fifty-Seventh Congress, First Session.”


House of Representatives [excerpt]



     Mr. GROSVENOR. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent to print in the RECORD the programme of the services on the occasion of the memorial services on account of the death of the late President.
     The SPEAKER. The gentleman from Ohio asks unanimous consent to print in the RECORD the programme for the memorial services on the late President. Is there objection? [After a pause.] The Chair hears none.
     The programme is as follows:

     The Capitol will be closed on the morning of the 27th day of February, 1902, to all except members and officers of Congress.
     At 10 o’clock the east door leading to the Rotunda will be opened to those to whom invitations have been extended under the joint resolution of Congress by the presiding officers of the two Houses, and to those holding tickets of admission to the galleries.
     The Hall of the House of Representatives will be opened for the admission of Representatives and to those who have invitations, who will be conducted to the seats assigned to them, as follows:
     The President and ex-President of the United States and special guests will be seated in front of the Speaker.
     The Chief-Justice and associate justices of the Supreme Court will occupy seats next to the President and ex-President and special guests, on the right of the Speaker.
     The Cabinet officers, the Lieutenant-General of the Army and the Admiral of the Navy, and the officers of the Army and Navy who, by name, have received the thanks of Congress, will occupy seats on the left of the Speaker.
     The chief justices and judges of the Court of Claims and the chief justice and associate justices of the supreme court of the District of Columbia will occupy seats directly in the rear of the Supreme Court.
     The diplomatic corps will occupy the front row of seats.
     Ex-Vice-Presidents and Senators will occupy seats in the second, third, fourth, and fifth rows on east side of main aisle.
     Representatives will occupy seats on west side of main aisle and in rear of the Senators on east side.
     Commissioners of the District, governors of States and Territories, assistant heads of departments, and invited guests will occupy seats in rear of Representatives.
     The Executive gallery will be reserved exclusively for the families of the Supreme Court, and the families of the Cabinet, and the invited guests of the President. Tickets thereto will be delivered to the secretary to the President.
     The diplomatic gallery will be reserved exclusively for the families of the members of the diplomatic corps. Tickets thereto will be delivered to the Secretary of State.
     The reporters’ gallery will be reserved exclusively for the use of the reporters for the press. Tickets thereto will be delivered to the press committee.
     The official reporters of the Senate and of the House will occupy the reporters’ desk in front of the Clerk’s table.
     The House of Representatives will be called to order by the Speaker at 12 o’clock.
     The Marine Band will be in attendance.
     The Senate will assemble at 12 o’clock, and immediately after prayer will proceed to the Hall of the House of Representatives.
     The diplomatic corps will meet at half-past 11 o’clock in Representatives’ lobby, and be conducted by the Sargeant-at-Arms of the House to the seats assigned them.
     The President of the Senate will occupy the Speaker’s chair.
     The Speaker of the House will occupy a seat at the left of the President of the Senate.
     The Chaplains of the Senate and of the House will occupy seats next the presiding officers of their respective Houses.
     The chairmen of the joint committee of arrangements will occupy seats at the right and left of the orator, and next to them will be seated the Secretary of the Senate and the Clerk of the House.
     The other officers of the Senate and of the House will occupy seats on the floor, at the right and the left of the Speaker’s platform.
     Prayer will be offered by the Rev. Henry N. Couden, D. D., Chaplain of the House of Representatives.
     The presiding officer will then present the orator of the day.
     The benediction will be pronounced by the Rev. W. H. Milburn, Chaplain of the Senate.
     By reason of the limited capacity of the galleries the number of tickets is necessarily restricted, and will be distributed as follows:
     To each Senator, Representative, and Delegate, 2 tickets.
     No person will be admitted to the Capitol except on presentation of a ticket, which will be good only for the place indicated.
     The Architect of the Capitol and the Sergeant-at-Arms of the Senate and the Doorkeeper of the House are charged with the execution of these arrangements.

J. B. FORAKER,               
C. H. GROSVENOR,         
Chairmen Joint Committee.    



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