Publication information
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Source: Watertown Re-Union
Source type: newspaper
Document type: article
Document title: “Johann Most Dead”
Author(s): anonymous
City of publication: Watertown, New York
Date of publication: 21 March 1906
Volume number: none
Issue number: none
Pagination: 1

“Johann Most Dead.” Watertown Re-Union 21 Mar. 1906: p. 1.
full text
Johann Most (death); Johann Most; anarchists.
Named persons
Leon Czolgosz; William McKinley; Johann Most.


Johann Most Dead


Noted Anarchist Succumbs to Erysipelas.

     Cincinnati, March 17.—Herr Johann Most, the anarchist, died today of erysipelas.
     Johann Most was the most noted anarchist in America. He published in New York for years a paper devoted to the anarchy propaganda—The Freiheit—which got him into much trouble and which made him for a generation the recognized head of the anarchists in this city. In 1901, the day after the assassination of McKinley, he published an article in his paper glorifying Czolgosz, for which he was arrested and sent to Sing Sing for a year.
     After his service in Sing Sing he subsided. He had not been heard from much lately. His health had been bad for years.
     About two months ago Most was in Syracuse and addressed the local branch of the Russian Revolutionary society. The identity of the anarchist was not discovered by non-members of this society until some days after the address.



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