Judge Maguire’s Tribute
A SHADOW has fallen upon the souls of men, and a nation with one
voice of mourning weeps at the grave of fallen worth. A noble character—a
man of gentle heart, great mind and lofty soul—lies dead at the
feet of a cold and cruel and worthless assassin.
The chosen Chief Executive of eighty
millions of free people—the highest earthly representative of the
holy union of liberty and law—has been foully murdered, solely because
the people selected him as the guardian of these great principles
of human association. The wretch who murdered him had no grievance
against him, but slew him in the vain hope that law and order might
perish with him, and that the fear of similar murders in the future
might compel society to abandon its organization and fly to the
chaos in which fools delight and criminals revel. The murderer’s
blow was aimed through the body of President [147][148]
McKinley at the heart of popular government, and, indeed, such crimes
do shake the faith of men in free government and make them turn
in fear and anguish, not to lawless license, but back to the despotism
from which, through ages of toil and suffering, the modern republics
of the earth evolved.
President McKinley died for the cause
which his official station represents, and he is therefore entitled
to be enrolled among the martyrs to the principles symbolized by
our flag and proclaimed by our Constitution. As such his untimely
death is truly a national bereavement and a source of sorrow to
all lovers of liberty, equality and justice throughout the earth.
His life was glorious and exemplary
in its representation of true American manhood and equally glorious
and exemplary in its private virtues.
We bow in sorrow at the portal of
his tomb, not as partisans, but as men and as Americans, knowing
no distinction of party or of creed in our common and universal
In his public life, no matter how
widely fellow citizens differed from him in opinion concerning public
questions, no reasonable man ever questioned the honesty or purity
of his motives or the sincerity of his patriotism. His public life
was pure and stainless and its memory will long be cherished, as
no emolument which he would not have cast aside, as a worthless
leaf of the forest, if it conflicted with an example, a model and
an in- [sic] inspiration to the succeeding generations of
our children.
With calm, unostentatious courage
he met and dealt with the great and trying ordeals which came to
his country while he was at her helm of state. In all the range
of his public duties he did the right, as God gave him to see the
right. No man ever did or ever can do more.
His private life was governed by the
sentiments of love and duty. Among the children of God there was
no gentler, kindlier man. He was unselfish to the last degree, patient
and pure; earnest but temperate in speech and thought and purpose;
ever ready to sacrifice himself upon the altar of personal friendship
or domestic duty. Above all else that interested him, the last twenty
years of his life were primarily devoted, with an almost tragic
devotion, to the care and comfort and happiness of his invalid wife.
During all that time there was no honor and that duty of love. None
may know the extent or true character of that sacrifice save those
who saw him in his daily life as Chief Executive of the greatest
nation on earth, dividing his time between bearing the unusual burdens
of state which bore heavily upon his sensitive mind, and his efforts
to cheer and comfort the stricken and suffering partner of his life.
To all who knew him, this devotion was an index to his inmost character,
and on account of these never failing qualities of his character,
it may be truly said:
“None knew him but to love him,
Nor named him but to praise.”
But let us not forget that the cause
for which President McKinley gave up his life is greater than the
man. That the free institutions which we enjoy have been purchased
with the precious blood of the best hearts of a thousand generation
[sic] of men, and that we must hand them down as a glorious
inheritance to our children’s children, even to the remotest generation.
I have faith that our law-guarded
liberty will not and cannot perish from the earth, and that “Our
land, the first garden of Liberty’s tree,” will [148][149]
forever lead the march of civilization up from the darkness of despotism
to ever higher and better social levels, until the perfect realization
of that constant aspiration of the universal human heart for Liberty,
Equality and Justice, dwelling with harmony and peace and love.
Not all the enemies of government
nor all the friends of despotism can ever destroy the free institutions
of this land, which the Pilgrim Fathers consecrated “to Freedom
and to God.”
Let the life and death of him whom
we commemorate ever be our inspiration to increasing effort and
increasing sacrifice for the land and for the institutions which
he loved in life and cherished in death; and now, as we bid an eternal
farewell to his mortal remains, let us bow reverently and submissively
to his last spoken sentiment: “It is God’s way. Let His will be