A Verified Astrological Prediction on President
McKinley’s Second Term
“In presenting to an indulgent and
much-abused public my quadrennial Astrological prediction upon national
affairs, I deem it but just to offer some slight excuse for so doing.
I also consider that they are entitled to a measure, so to say,
of my ability in the art of casting national horoscopes. I conclude,
therefore, that a slight introduction in the shape of a resume,
or sketch, of past achievements in this line may be acceptable.
If, after perusing them, it should be found that the predictions
quoted have been fulfilled, then may I be pardoned for again offering
my slight contribution in this mysteriously fascinating line to
please the fancy or feed the mind.
Astrology—Whence comes it? Who founded
it? By whom was it first practiced? These and many others are queries
which no man [257][258] knows and no
one ever will know. Buried ’neath the veiled mists of antiquity
and shrouded in the gloom of a Brahman night, its early history
must forever remain an unsolvable mystery. This much, however, is
known; the early classics teem with its beauteous references; history
is replete with its remarkable fulfillments. The Bible contains
many beautiful illustrations of the remarkable truths embedded in
its teachings, and embodied in its practice. We read in the first
chapter of Genesis, 14th verse, ‘God said let there be lights in
the firmament of the heavens to divide the day from the night; and
let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and for years.’
Let us look at this in an astrological sense. ‘Let them be for
signs.’ What signs? Why the signs are the twelve signs of the
Zodiac formed by lights of the empyrean, viz.: Aries, Taurus,
Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricornus,
Aquarius and Pisces. ‘And for seasons.’ The four seasons
are ushered in when the Sun in his yearly circuit of the heavens
touches the first point of each of the four cardinal ‘signs’ of
the Zodiac, viz.: Aries (spring), Cancer (summer), Libra (autumn),
and Capricornus (winter). The various seasons begin, as we all know,
about the 20th of March, June, September and December, hence these
four seasons bid us prepare for the various physical phenomena sure
to follow the Sun’s entry, as before noted. These then are the ‘signs’
for the ‘seasons.’ Pursuing along the same lines a little
further, we see that Aries, (the ram) or spring, is in opposition
to Libra (the balance) or autumn, and when the Sun rises with Aries
in the spring it heralds the planting time, but when rising with
Libra in the autumn it signifies the period of harvest time; so,
too, Cancer (summer) is opposed to Capricornus (winter); we see,
therefore, that these signs are for the ‘seasons,’ which
man, guided by intelligence, makes all due provisions for. ‘And
for years’—in the eternal, ceaseless, myriad years, unnumbered
in the past and hid in the limitless expanse of dim futurity, the
symbols or ‘signs’ of the Zodiac, which in the form of a circle
can have neither beginning nor end, may properly represent years,
i. e., eternity. The first point of [258][259]
Aries, however, has long been settled upon as a proper point of
beginning of the solar year, because it signifies the return of
the Sun to his increase of power. This being the beginning, then
from this point to the last degree of Pisces (the fishes) constitutes
one year. As the Sun passes (or appears to pass) through the twelve
‘signs’ of the Zodiac, transferring the influence of one season
to another, he completes the year and begins a new one as he passes
the last degree of the ‘sign’ Pisces and enters once more the ‘sign’
or house of returning strength—Aries (spring), thus metaphorically
welding the years together in the forge of eternity’s time. The
foregoing explains in an astrological sense the meaning of the passage
alluded to. There are many other purely astrological references,
but the above will suffice for this article.
Four years ago I submitted my predictions
to the editor of T M
M, of New York. The paper was published
the following August with a few editorial interpretations, which,
however, did not alter the sense of the article in the least, being
merely of an explanatory nature. The following predictions were
made at that time.
‘An American policy abroad.’
‘Martial men and martial affairs will
play a prominent part.’
‘Army and navy will be increased.’
‘Appropriations for military affairs.’
‘Riot and disorder in Illinois.’
‘Rebuff or treachery from some foreign
‘Suffer a serious naval loss.’
‘Spain sinks beneath the heavy hand
of fate.’
‘McKinley will be re-elected.’*
The reader will note that all were
fulfilled to the letter.
The foregoing predictions were made
in March, 1897, two days after McKinley had been inducted. The prediction
was copyrighted, March 8th. We were at peace with the world, the
war [259][260] with Spain had not cast
its shadow o’er the political horizon, and the politicians of the
land believed that McKinley would never be re-elected. Thus Astrology
survives, and I apprehend that it will continue to, until some dillettante
[sic] philosopher arises in his supereminent might, and waging
a Quixotic warfare against it, crushes it to earth once more, when
I suppose it will retreat only to arise at some other time.
Astrologists maintain that a horoscope
cast for any very important event occurring, such, for instance,
as the moment of birth of a child, or commencement of any important
national work, not entirely controlled by will, will in general
reveal the events likely to transpire during a certain period. Assuming
that to be the correct astrological method, I have erected the following
scheme, or horoscope, of the heavens for the moment when President
McKinley took the oath of office, succeeding himself, and I subtend
my judgment thereon:
At the moment President McKinley took
the oath of office, the planets had assumed the positions indicated
in the accompanying diagram of the celestial dome. The 18th degree
of the sign ‘Cancer,’ which the Moon rules, was rising. The Moon
is, therefore, the President’s ruling planet during this term, and
is fortunately placed in good aspect with the lordly ‘Jupiter,’
who rules the house of commerce and trade; a very fortunate testimony
for the people; and for the President also, as it denotes that he
will be very successful in carrying out his ideas. It also denotes
that the people (as the Moon is general ruler of the public) shall
thrive and have abundant crops, and meet with much
success from all natural sources. Saturn is usually author of
misery and woe, but as he is so very strong, and in good aspect
to the Sun (the Sun is the President’s general significator), I
look for marked and unusual success in all our foreign relations;
but as the Sun is afflicted by ‘Uranus,’ ruler of the 8th house
(commonly understood to be the house of death) from the 6th house,
it denotes a very serious illness for the executive and grave danger
of death. He will be in grave danger of accident or some [260][261]

[261][262] such event while on a long journey. The aspect
of ‘Mars,’ practically in the 3d house, indicates some danger of
a tremendous strike on some railway, which will probably cause Congressional
action in the way of adopting some labor legislation. The civil
service will also be subject to violent attack, but with no success.
The aspect of ‘Mars’ threatens some breach with a near neighboring
nation, and we shall be in danger of rupturing pleasant relations
with some foreign power, drifting into another war. I do not, however,
believe it will culminate. The same position is also a very distressing
one, as it denotes many bitter, acrimonious debates and feuds in
the Senate and Lower House. The aspect of ‘Uranus and Mercury’ is
also very evil; it denotes a sort of uprising or protest by the
general public directed against the powerful landed interest of
monopolists, hence disastrous disputes between labor and capital
may be looked for ere long; in this controversy labor will win a
notable victory. Our foreign trade will increase by leaps and bounds,
far overshadowing the past. The opposition of the Moon and the Sun
will cause much annoyance to the President, for he will suffer much
criticism and lose considerable prestige and popularity; there is
also a strong probability that some of his friends in Congress and
other personal ones will be likely to prove recreant. As Venus rules
the 4th house, which denotes the party in opposition to the government
(the Democratic, etc.), is afflicted by ‘Mars,’ it denotes that
they are still like a ship at sea, without pilot or rudder; however,
they will make strong gains in the Congressional elections two years
hence. An epidemic of some strange disorder will infect many of
our people; it behooves our health authorities to be on constant
guard. A grave accident to one of our men-of-war is also denoted.
An especially vexatious and serious time may be looked for during
the early part of June, 1901. The President will be in danger of
illness or accident about that time; in fact, the President is under
aspect somewhat similar in nature to those in operation when Lincoln
and Garfield assumed office. The President’s present Cabinet will
not all serve their full terms, for a radical change therein is
[262][263] denoted. The present high
rate bullish stock market will suffer a disastrous reverse, destroying
some powerful commercial combination and a serious though sort-lived
[sic] panic will swamp many speculators. Much difficulty
will be experienced regarding important treaties and trade agreements
with foreign countries, but as the Sun is in favorable aspect with
Saturn (ruler of foreign relations) we will bring all such matters
to a gloriously successful termination. A Treasury scandal is likely
to startle us, or else some concerted action by some commercial
powers on the Treasury will be made, and continued appropriations
for increased military maintenance may be looked for. A frightful
holocaust in some mine will horrify the country. Toward the close
of this administration the Democratic party will make almost superhuman
efforts to heal all past wounds, but it will avail them naught.
The Republicans will preserve much harmony in their ranks, and in
1904 they will place a notable man in the palaestra of political
contest, who will go in with a tremendous majority of the popular
vote, greater, in fact, than any ever before cast.”
A curious phase of intellect may
be noted from the fact that in all the various prophecies quoted
in the Bible, the prophets, who doubtless understood Astrology,
were content to merely indicate or prophesy the bare event; rarely
did they set a specific time for its culmination, yet these prophecies
are looked upon with considerable wonderment, if not actual awe,
by the people to-day. But, an astrologer of to-day venturing a prediction
and treading the dangerous ground of detail by even setting a probable
time for its occurrence, is watched like the quarry by the searching
eye of the hawk; and, if it does not eventuate within a few days
of the time specified, he is held up to scorn and ridicule, and
astrology denounced as untrue, in unmeasured terms. Why this difference?
Simply because the people of to-day do not understand or care to
study the infinite operation of these divine laws unless they
can see dollars in it. Of course I do not assume that an astrologer
is more gifted with [263][264] these
divine powers than is any other mortal; contrarily, my experiences
with them have been that they are quite worldly; but all of them
have become interested in this philosophy by actual experimentation
in the laboratory of astral phenomena. All, and I write advisedly,
have passed the three moods of man, who first despises or pities,
then investigates, and finally embraces. I have been a conservative
though earnest student of this celestial art for many years and
am quite free to confess that I have found many anomalies, lapses,
anachronisms and apparently unaccountable variations in its operation
on mundane affairs; but, the failure or success of a predicted event
may be properly charged or credited to that inexhaustible reservoir
of all knowledge, divine and material—the human mind, which has
but one limitation common to all creation—fallibility.
In the original prediction of McKinley’s
second term, the candid reader will note that the prediction reads
as follows:
“But the Sun is afflicted by
‘Uranus,’ ruler of the eighth house (commonly understood
to be the house of death) from the sixth house—house of sickness;—it
denotes a serious illness for the Executive and grave danger of
death. He will be in grave danger of an accident or some such event
while on a long journey.”
Later the same was further emphasized
by stating:
“An especially vexatious time may
be looked for during the early part of June, 1901. The President
will be in danger of illness or accident about that time; in fact,
the President is under aspects somewhat similar in nature to those
in operation when Lincoln and Garfield assumed office.”
The reader will note the absolute
verification of both paragraphs and remember that he certainly did
have a very vexatious time during May and June when his wife became
ill in California. No doubt this did cause him great worry. The
reader will also note the ominous sentence—“Uranus, ruler of the
house of death” afflicting the Sun which is the President’s general
significator. Second, the “accident” would occur while on a journey.
Third, aspects [264][265] similar in
nature to Lincoln and Garfield. Could aught be plainer? A literal
translation could not convey any other meaning. He did suffer a
similar “accident”—and while on a journey. Garfield and Lincoln
were shot in Washington. Hence note the detail of “journey” thus
furnishing another startling proof of stellar influence over mundane
Continuing this intensely fascinating
subject I wish to call the astrological student’s attention to a
few remarkable aspects. When the President was shot, the sign Capricornus
was rising with Aquarius intercepted in the ascendant. At his inauguration
these signs occupied the seventh and eighth houses respectively;
these two houses denoting “enemies” and “death” were rising at the
moment Czolgosz so treacherously and foully shot him. The Moon,
his significator at inauguration, was operating her exact conjunction
with the mysterious Neptune in the twelfth house (house of assassins,
secret foes, etc.,) of inaugural figure. The Sun had reached the
opposition to his own place and was posited in the sign “Virgo,”
ruling the stomach and was in exact quartile (evil) aspect
with “Uranus,” who in turn had reached the exact quartile degree
of the Sun at the inauguration. Venus, ruler of the fourth house
of inaugural was placed in the fourth house, the house of the “earth”
and the “grave,” thus symbolizing the melancholy end. At the moment
of the illustrious patient’s death, the Moon was in exact square
(evil) aspect with Uranus, Saturn and Jupiter. Uranus had reached
the exact quartile aspect of the Sun on March 4th. Saturn had just
turned direct on that very day, after his retrograde motion.
All of these testimonies contain a
fund of astral information for the careful astrological student.