Publication information
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Source: New York Times
Source type: newspaper
Document type: article
Document title: “M’Kinley Bodyguard Dead”
Author(s): anonymous
City of publication: New York, New York
Date of publication:
1 July 1908
Volume number: 57
Issue number: 18421
Pagination: 7

“M’Kinley Bodyguard Dead.” New York Times 1 July 1908 v57n18421: p. 7.
full text
Albert Gallaher (death).
Named persons
Leon Czolgosz; Albert Gallaher [misspelled once below]; William McKinley; C. A. Storey; C. Pruyn Stringfield.


M’Kinley Bodyguard Dead


Received Rough Handling by Mob at the Time of the Assassination.

     CHICAGO, June 30.—Albert Gallaher, for many years in the Secret Service of the United States and one of those detailed as the personal bodyguard of the late President McKinley at the time of the assassination, in Buffalo, died here to-day. It was Gallaher who seized the wrist of the assassin Czolgosz after the fatal shot was fired and wrenched the weapon from the hand of the slayer.
     Gallaher was at first mistaken by the crowd for the assassin and was set upon and beaten. After his experience at Buffalo, Gallagher was under a physician’s care for some time, but the extent of his injuries was not then realized. He was attended in Chicago recently by Drs. C. P. Stringfield and C. A. Storey. The former said to-day that the immediate cause of death was cancer of the liver and in all probability it was a result of the rough handling received at the hands of the crowd following the shooting at Buffalo.



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