Publication information
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Source: Political Science Quarterly
Source type: journal
Document type: article
Document title: “Record of Political Events”
Author(s): Shepherd, William R.
Date of publication: December 1901
Volume number: 16
Issue number: 4
Pagination: 741-59 (excerpt below includes only pages 742-43)

Shepherd, William R. “Record of Political Events.” Political Science Quarterly Dec. 1901 v16n4: pp. 741-59.
McKinley assassination; William McKinley (mourning); Theodore Roosevelt (assumption of presidency).
Named persons
Leon Czolgosz; William McKinley; Theodore Roosevelt.


Record of Political Events [excerpt]

     THE ASSASSINATION OF PRESIDENT McKINLEY. — On September 6, while the President was holding a public reception in the [742][743] Temple of Music at the Pan-American Exposition in Buffalo, an anarchist named Czolgosz, having concealed a revolver under a handkerchief that appeared to cover an injured hand, approached him and shot him twice, one bullet glancing off the breastbone, the other perforating the stomach. For a few days after the shooting the condition of Mr. McKinley held out some hope of recovery, but the second wound proved fatal, and he expired September 14. The popular manifestation of mourning for the dead President was extraordinary. In many parts of the country work was suspended, and people stood with bowed and uncovered heads for a few minutes at the hour on September 19 when his body was being borne to its tomb in Canton. — The formal assumption of the presidency by Vice-President Roosevelt occurred on the day of President McKinley’s death. In taking the oath of office the new President announced his intention to continue the policies to which the late President had been committed. At his request, furthermore, all the members of the Cabinet agreed to retain their positions.



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