Publication information

Source type: magazine
Document type: editorial
Document title: none
Author(s): anonymous
Date of publication: 14 September 1901
Volume number: 29
Issue number: 1211
Pagination: 577

[untitled]. Bradstreet’s 14 Sept. 1901 v29n1211: p. 577.
full text
McKinley assassination (personal response); presidential succession; Theodore Roosevelt; Theodore Roosevelt (fitness for office); Theodore Roosevelt (assumption of presidency).
Named persons
Theodore Roosevelt.


     In its hour of sorrow, great and tender as that is, the republic has no moments of weakness or of doubt. The foremost in place among her distinguished sons lies stricken, but others stand ready to take up the burden of duty, and to see that, whatever may betide, the republic shall take no detriment. Indeed, the present is peculiarly a time to appreciate the continuity of the counsels of the nation. There has, perhaps, never been a period when a change in the personnel of the chief magistracy boded less change in the policy of the government. The Vice-President has been and is in special harmony with the policy of the President in its larger lines; indeed, both in civil office and in the field he aided in carrying out that policy. No man in the country could more deeply regret being called even temporarily to supply the place of the chief magistrate than Vice-President Roosevelt, but there is no question anywhere of the strength and the ability, the enthusiasm and the fidelity which he would bring to the discharge of the weighty duties of the office, while his demeanor during the recent trying situation has disclosed traits of character which have attracted the confidence of conservative men. It is still earnestly hoped that the President may recover, but in any event the government which goes on while individuals pass away will continue to discharge its functions with unimpaired strength.