The Assassin
The insensate and horrible assassination
provoked some talk of lynching in quarters from which more law-abiding
sentiments might have been expected. The murderer, who was promptly
jailed and guarded in Buffalo, will be tried by due process of law.
Following his arrest, police in other cities arrested a number of
alleged anarchists on the charge of conspiracy to kill the president.
These arrests included one Emma Goldman, to whose public utterances
Leon Czolgasz is said to have referred as inspiration to his deed.
Evidences of conspiracy are wanting at the date of this comment.
In an alleged confession Czolgasz is represented as claiming to
be an anarchist, adding that he had met with groups of anarchists
in different places, but that he was absolutely without accomplices
in deliberately killing the ruler of the nation. Czolgasz was born
in the United States about twenty-eight years ago, of parents who
came from Posen, in Polish Prussia. Father and stepmother give him
the reputation of a timid weakling, a ne’er-do-well.