Publication information

Free Society
Source type: magazine
Document type: editorial column
Document title: “Current Comment”
Author(s): Winn, Ross
Date of publication: 9 February 1902
Volume number: 9
Issue number: 6
Pagination: 4-5 (excerpt below includes only page 4)

Winn, Ross. “Current Comment.” Free Society 9 Feb. 1902 v9n6: pp. 4-5.
United Mine Workers; McKinley memorialization; William McKinley (death: public response: criticism).
Named persons
Johann Most [variant first name below].

Current Comment

     The representatives of organized labor occasionally astound the universe with an exhibition of such sublime asininity, that even the angels must spatter heaven’s alabaster walls with tears. For example, the coal miners’ convention appropriated $500 for the McKinley memorial fund. Had this gift been accompanied, as John Most suggests, with the reqtest [sic] that a photo of the Idaho bull-pen be placed on the monument, I could see some connection between their action and its reason. But, that American miners, who are not minors, with the memory of Hazleton and Homestead and Coeur D’Alene in mind, could make such blooming chumps of themselves, is like the ways of God and woman—past finding out.