Publication information

McClure’s Magazine
Source type: magazine
Document type: article
Document title: “A Labor Leader of To-Day: John Mitchell and What He Stands For”
Author(s): Steffens, Lincoln
Date of publication: August 1902
Volume number: 19
Issue number: 4
Pagination: 355-57 (excerpt below includes only page 355)

Steffens, Lincoln. “A Labor Leader of To-Day: John Mitchell and What He Stands For.” McClure’s Magazine Aug. 1902 v19n4: pp. 355-57.
John Mitchell; McKinley assassination (public response).
Named persons
William McKinley; John Mitchell.

A Labor Leader of To-Day: John Mitchell and What He Stands For

     But it is no one trait, however conspicuous, that will win success for Mitchell, if he wins (and that is a question which may be answered before this article is printed). At present he stands not quite midway between Wall Street and the mines. He has the personal respect of both. When President McKinley was shot, and the news spread to the coal region, the workmen gathered into a mob, crying, “Who shot our President?” They dispersed when they learned that it wasn’t President Mitchell who was shot.