Publication information

National Magazine
Source type: magazine
Document type: editorial column
Document title: “Let’s Talk It Over”
Author(s): anonymous
Date of publication: October 1901
Volume number: 15
Issue number: 1
Pagination: 124-28 (excerpt below includes only pages 124-25 and 127-28)

“Let’s Talk It Over.” National Magazine Oct. 1901 v15n1: pp. 124-28.
William McKinley (death: personal response); National Magazine; William McKinley (death: public response); William McKinley (mourning).
Named persons
William McKinley; Theodore Roosevelt.
The following excerpt comprises two nonconsecutive portions of this column (pp. 124-25 and pp. 127-28). Omission of text within the excerpt is denoted with a bracketed indicator (e.g., [omit]).

Let’s Talk It Over

HAVE you ever been filled with such a flood of surging emotions that an attempt at expression seemed useless? Within the thirty days since we met together we as a people and as individuals have sounded the depths of happiness and sorrow. Soon after the adjournment of the first annual “National Magazine” convention, in which all the happiness of a year of expectation was more than realized—in the full flush of this sense of achievement and strengthened purposes for the future; after an inspiration which will last for a lifetime of editorial work; in the splendor of our new national destiny expressed by the great loving heart of him who had so much to do with bringing about the prosperity of this great epoch—from the blossom of it all to the “bier and the shroud.” Then after the first poignancy and tear-baptized grief had passed—after the prayers of the world had seemingly been unanswered, we looked deep into the mysterious ways of God, and found compensation there in the thought of thousands of young minds opening to the future, and which will receive as an ideal and life inspiration the lesson of the glorious life and death of William McKinley.
     Aside from all his pre-eminent genius as a statesman, William McKinley’s memory has a halo of purity, gentleness and harmony. He was a man.


     A Memorial number is published this month, taking the place of the Export number which he had inspired in a personal conversation at Canton a few weeks ago while he was at work on that memorable farewell address delivered at the Pan-American. Little did we think what fate had in store. Now, in honor of the great captain and champion of American industries and markets, we lay aside that work to first pay tribute to his memory. It is a fitting prelude in the campaign for our share of the markets of the world that this work should have such an inspiration as that of William McKinley—to be carried out without interruption by the capable, energetic, conscientious type of sterling young American manhood exemplified in President Theodore Roosevelt.


     The tribute paid to the memory of President McKinley by the stopping of all the commercial and industrial activities of a great country during the moments while the casket containing the remains was being lowered into the vault was without precedent in history. It revealed in one act the greatness of the American people. This was the spon- [124][125] taneous tribute of eighty millions, more significant than the ten car loads of flowers sent to the dead President’s bier. I saw men from the lowliest to the highest station wearing the badge of mourning. From nearly every household in his own Ohio, his portrait hung tenderly draped and above it those last words, which preach a sermon that will live as long as our country endures, and which after all comprise the crowning conviction of all religious and right living men: “Thy will be done.”


     It is customary to defer the publishing of seriously considered biographies of eminent statesmen for some time after their death, that time may bring out more clearly their noblest and best qualities, while the close range frailities [sic] and the distortions of partisan prejudice may be permitted to lapse. Such a policy is not at all appropriate to the career of William McKinley. Respected by all in life, beloved by all in death, there is no need of waiting; time can but enhance the beauty and splendor of his fame. In view of this “The National Magazine” is especially gratified to announce that a series of elaborate and intensely interesting articles on “The Personal Side of William McKinley” will appear in this periodical, beginning in the November number, and written by those who were in close everyday touch with him during the busiest years of his eventful life. The articles will contain a large amount of unpublished material and our readers are invited to co-operate and make this series worthy of the great name they will celebrate. Studying closely the personal side of the life of such a man, we see how events of his notable career lead in perfect sequence step by step, always forward and upward and always inculcating the lessons of patriotism and noble manhood. It is seldom that such a life and its lessons are given to the human race, and the articles upon “The Personal Side of William McKinley” which are to appear in “The National Magazine” during the coming year cannot fail to be one of the most interesting serial publications of the year; a work, too, that will be especially prized by future generations. The purpose is to make a most thorough character study of this eminent man. The work is one made doubly attractive by the element of affection; as we treasure the little relics and incidents of the lives of the loved ones who have passed away from our home circle, so the American people will treasure these personal touches of one whose death is a personal bereavement to every true American.


AS one subscriber writes this month: “We always expect inventions from ‘The National Magazine.’ What next?” Well, one thing is a want, for sale and exchange advertising page low enough in price to be within the reach of all. For one dollar you can have a three line advertisement reaching 100,000 readers in every state and territory and many foreign countries. If you want anything you have a larger field to draw from than that of the most widely circulated daily newspaper. The philosophy of advertising is bringing the buyer and the seller together, and in this department there will be new and good opportunities opened. You may have a set of books that some collector in a distant city would prize; here you have a chance to reach him. And the opportunity lasts not a day, a week or a month merely; there is no limit to the number of times a good magazine is read and re-read and passed from hand to hand. From the attic it is brought, after years of dust have collected upon it, and is again sent on its way. And, after all, what is more interesting than a collection of old magazines?—unless it be a collection of new ones. The present memorial number will be [127][128] carefully preserved, containing as it does such a comprehensive and fresh account of a tragic and momentous epoch in national history. The advance sales for the October issue have far exceeded expectations, and the supply will undoubtedly be exhausted early. It is estimated that over 1,500,000 portraits of President McKinley have been sold within the past month, and we believe that no portrait holder will fail to buy a copy of the memorial number of “The National.” October copies are likely to be at a premium, and we suggest that all desiring extras should order at once, as it is unlikely we will be able to supply them after November 1.