Hysteria in Virginia
The Virginia Constitutional Convention,
scared by sensationalism in newspapers, has eliminated the clause
in its Bill of Rights guarauteeing [sic] freedom of speech and press.
It is remarkable, comments the Detroit
Evening News, that emotional insanity should have affected an entire
deliberative body in this wise. It is exceedingly unfortunate for
Virgina [sic] that an overwhelming national tragedy should have
occurred at a time when momentous questions were being decided for
an indefiuite [sic] term of years, and an immense pity that an isolated
incident, no matter how important, should have been so timed as
to materially influence the formation of fundamental laws. The fathers
of the republic and the framers of the earlier state constitutions
saw clearly that free government, without free speech and a free
press, could not be maintained. They realized that if it were competent
for those in authority to restrict criticism of their official acts
or the circulation of information concerning those acts, a wide
gate would be left open for the entrance of every form of tyranny
and abuse. It is only by the utmost liberty of discussion that a
free people may protect their own interests, and secure the exposition
and correction of any wrongs aud [sic] errors of which their chosen
representatives may be guilty. History and logic unite in declaring
that there is no greater temptation to despotism and no more prolific
source of oppression than the power to silence condemnation.
That Virginia, of all the states of
the Union, should have so soon forgotten the lessons which had been
so bitterly impressed upon the colonists, and should have drifted
so far from the wise precepts to which those lessons gave birth,
is both pitiful and alarming.
It may be argued that the hysteria
of the moment, bred of disgust, sorrow, and shock, produced by the
crime of Czolgosz, will pass shortly, and that no legislature will
ever be found to avail itself of the power thus conferred. It would
be gratifying to believe that the argument is well founded, and
the fundamental principles of liberty are so deeply engraved on
the hearts of the American people that they cannot be obscured except
momentarily by some sudden and violent excitement; but the extremes
to which partisan politics will carry legislative bodies are so
well understood that no sane observer of governmental activities
will be willing to trust such authority in their hands. If the people
of Virginia agree to such a surrender of their liberties and create
this opportunity for oppression, they may be sure that the man and
the occasion will arise when it will be grasped, and it is quite
as likely to be used for evil purposes and for the protection of
a corrupt machine from just condemnation as for the suppression
of enemies of society.