The President and the Mob
Iu [sic] his message to Congress
President Roosevelt says:
“A grim commentary upon the folly
of the Anarchist position was afforded by the attitude of the
law toward this very criminal who had just taken the life of
the President. The people would have torn him limb from limb
if it had not been that the law he defied was at once invoked
in his behalf. So far from his deed being committed on behalf
of the people against the government, the government was at
once obliged to exert its full police power to save him from
instant death at the hands of the people.”
This is a clearer sight than Mr.
Roosevelt usually takes in his historical efforts. But he fails
to condemn the anarchy of the people who would have murdered the
murderer, and therein stops short of his full duty as the chief
representative of law in this country. The anarchy of the mob or
majority is as reprehensible as the anarchy of the individual.
On the other hand the Anarchists who
in this country have counseled violence are deserving the severest
condemnation. Until it becomes a matter of fact beyond dispute that
there is no need of government—that life and liberty would be safe
without auy [sic] police force or law to punish aggression and invasion—there
can be no room for anarchy here. If there were not a public official
in the whole couutry [sic] it would be necessary as a matter of
self-defense to appoint them as quickly as it could be done, or
invasive and aggressive crime would run riot. At the rate of improvement
the race has made siuce [sic] history first recorded its struggles
toward civilization, it will be some hundreds if not thousands of
years before anarchy as a practical social polity is worth discussing.