Publication information

Source type: magazine
Document type: editorial
Document title: none
Author(s): anonymous
Date of publication: October 1901
Volume number: 2
Issue number: 5
Pagination: 3

[untitled]. Unionist Oct. 1901 v2n5: p. 3.
full text
McKinley assassination (personal response).
Named persons
Leon Czolgosz; Leicester Dedlock.


THE disappearance of Czolgosz, that “unpronounceable citizen of hell,” from public attention, is as impressive as it is satisfactory. The concentration of public interest upon the man and his deed is disastrous in its effect upon the public in general and more especially upon those of the assassin’s ilk. The awful impress of the horror of the deed and the wretched villainy of the doer will not soon leave men, but a fixed gaze on a higher future and a settled determination on the part of every citizen that the conditions which caused this frightful crime must cease to exist in the Republic, are the surest way of eradicating them. That high hope that has led steadily on to better things must not fail in facing exceptional conditions and lose heart in thinking them indicative of wide spread [sic] and general disintegration of sound moral, religious and political sentiment. Too many anxious souls, like Sir Leicester Dedlock, think that the “floodgates of society are burst open, and the waters have—a—have obliterated the landmarks of the framework of the cohesion by which things are held together.” Civilization, however, is bound together by a higher power and these strange and frightful enemies that are appearing and striking at it will call forth energies for the right, not dreamed of hitherto.