Publication information
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Source: Buffalo Evening News
Source type: newspaper
Document type: article
Document title: “Is Heralding Leon Czolgosz as Great Hero”
Author(s): anonymous
City of publication: Buffalo, New York
Date of publication: 14 September 1901
Volume number: 42
Issue number: 133
Pagination: [?]

“Is Heralding Leon Czolgosz as Great Hero.” Buffalo Evening News 14 Sept. 1901 v42n133: p. [?].
full text
McKinley assassination (public response: anarchists); McKinley assassination (sympathizers); anarchism (Spring Valley, IL).
Named persons
Leon Czolgosz; William McKinley.


Is Heralding Leon Czolgosz as Great Hero


Anarchist Organ Defies Government of the State and Country.

     CHICAGO, Sept. 14.—Under the caption, “La Disgrazia Del Signor, William McKinley,” L’Aurora, the organ of the anarchists at Spring Valley, Ill., heralds Leon Czolgosz, the assassin of the President, as a hero, and defies the government of the State and country.
     “To the Rebel in Buffalo, the courageous and sincere man, we extend greeting,” declares the paper.
     Copies of L’Aurora reached Chicago today. Part of the article, which covers nearly the entire front page of the paper, reads as follows as translated:
     “We are not in the least surprised at this occurrence, because we anarchists maintain that the individual which stands highest in the social scale and impersonates the political and economical oppression under which the people are suffering so horribly is naturally most exposed to attacks by the oppressed and disinherited, who suffer under their emancipated thoughts and from an empty stomach. In his position as President, as King, as Emperor, he also is most exposed to the vicissitudes of his position, he also has his labor accidents. Between the numerous victims which the brutal work in the factories and mines kills and mutilates every minute, and the royal and Presidential victims which the hatred of the rebel strikes there is one great difference. One class is condemned to slave labor and hardships under penalty of starvation, the volunteer in its own odious position of oppressor, and no reason on earth forces it to accept this position, unless it is the strenuous ambition, the desire for power and honors, or the thirst for wealth.
     “For this reason we think that if McKinley had been simply Mr. McKinley he would certainly have escaped the assault of Czolgosz.
     “To the Rebel in Buffalo, the courageous and sincere man, we extend greetings.”



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