Publication information

Buffalo Evening Times
Source type: newspaper
Document type: article
Document title: “Scenes at the Milburn House”
Author(s): anonymous
City of publication: Buffalo, New York
Date of publication: 7 September 1901
Volume number: 35
Issue number: 154
Pagination: 8

“Scenes at the Milburn House.” Buffalo Evening Times 7 Sept. 1901 v35n154: p. 8.
full text
Milburn residence (outdoors: setup, conditions, activity, etc.); Milburn residence (curiosity seekers); Milburn residence (visitors).
Named persons
Marcus Hanna; Philander C. Knox; John G. Milburn; Elihu Root.

Scenes at the Milburn House

     At an early hour this morning upper Delaware Avenue was thronged with those who were hastening toward the house wherein the President lay. In solemn silence they moved, intuitively lowering their voices as they approached Ferry Street, just beyond which is the house of Mr. John G. Milburn. The atmosphere was heavy with the perfume of flowers on the surrounding lawns. On each of the intersecting street corners was a police officer, while the street itself, but not the sidewalks, were [sic] roped off.
     In front of the house there paced back and forth, musket on shoulder, a soldier in the uniform of the United States Marines, while another performed like service in the rear.
     The newspaper men were permitted to gather at the back of the house near the stables, where from time to time, bulletins were issued, and where they could keep track of the distinguished visitors who gained admittance.
     Across the street in respectful, solemn silence, stood the ever changing crowd, who watched with curious interest the house which sheltered the victim of an Anarchist’s bullet. They conversed in low tones and made no effort to overstep the boundary line marked off by the physicians.
     Shortly after the issuance of the 9 o’clock bulletin, given herewith, three men arrived and were admitted into the house. They were Elihu Root, Secretary of War, Attorney General Knox and Senator Mark Hanna.