Publication information
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Source: Bangkok Times Weekly Mail
Source type: newspaper
Document type: article
Document title: “The Attempt to Murder President McKinley, a Polish Anarchist’s Deed”
Author(s): anonymous
City of publication: Bangkok, Siam
Date of publication: 13 September 1901
Volume number: 5
Issue number: 191
Pagination: 9

“The Attempt to Murder President McKinley, a Polish Anarchist’s Deed.” Bangkok Times Weekly Mail 13 Sept. 1901 v5n191: p. 9.
full text
McKinley assassination; William McKinley (medical condition).
Named persons
Leon Czolgosz [misspelled below]; William McKinley; Theodore Roosevelt.
The item below appears in a section titled “Reuters Telegram’s.”

This portion of the issue constitutes news reprinted from the 9 September 1901 issue of Bangkok Times.


The Attempt to Murder President McKinley, a Polish Anarchist’s Deed

     London, September 9th.—President McKinley was holding a reception at the Pan-American Exhibition at Buffalo when he was shot.
     He was shot twice, in the breast and in the stomach, whilst in the act of shaking hands with the assailant, whose revolver was concealed in a handkerchief held in his left hand.
     The bullet in the President’s chest has been extracted, but the second bullet has penetrated the back walls of the stomach and has not been extracted.
     The assailant is a Pole named Nzolgorz. He declares he has no accomplices, and acted solely under the influence of Anarchist literature and lectures.
     Vice-President Roosevelt and the members the [sic] Cabinet have arrived at Buffalo.
     The latest bulletin states that the President’s condition is very satisfactory, and that the doctors believe he will recover, as there is no indication of peritonitis.



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