Publication information
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Source: Daily Picayune
Source type: newspaper
Document type: article
Document title: “No Concealment”
Author(s): anonymous
City of publication: New Orleans, Louisiana
Date of publication: 9 September 1901
Volume number: 65
Issue number: 228
Pagination: 1

“No Concealment.” Daily Picayune 9 Sept. 1901 v65n228: p. 1.
full text
George B. Cortelyou (public statements); William McKinley (official bulletins: contents and quality of); William McKinley (medical condition: public right to know).
Named persons
George B. Cortelyou.


No Concealment


Secretary Cortelyou States That All the Facts Will Be Given Out.

     Buffalo, N. Y., Sept. 8.—The public will be kept fully advised of the actual condition of the president. Each bulletin is carefully and conservatively prepared and is an authorized statement of the important features of the case at the hour it is issued. The people are entitled to the facts, and shall have them.

Secretary to the President.

     This statement is intended to put at rest any idea that the official bulletins underestimate the conditions, and at the same time to give assurance that those with the president intend that the people shall have the facts.



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