Czolgosze [sic] Inspirer
Emma Goldman, the woman-lecturer
who was arrested after the assassination of President M’Kinley,
on a charge of inciting to murder, has been released again. This,
it will be remembered, is the woman whose fiery harangues against
those in authority are said to have inspired Czolgosz’s murderous
attack upon the President. Some particulars about the career of
this female firebrand have been given to a representative of a Sydney
paper, by “a prominent foreign exponent of the doctrines of Anarchism,”
who is evidently a thorough-going admirer of Miss Goldman. The lady,
it seems, is no beauty to look at, yet she is “a woman of attractive
appearance.” She has the Slav cast of features—a nose broad at the
base and somewhat depressed above the bridge; “but otherwise she
is all right.” She is a Russian Jewess, born at St. Petersburg,
but brought up since the age of six in America. At the age of 23
she was working in a shirt factory at Rochester (N.Y.). A strike
occurred there, and this led her to study social questions, with
the result that she adopted the principles of Anarchism, and has
taught them publicly ever since. After the strike was over she continued
to work as a factory-hand for some time, but ultimately she studied
nursing, and became a duly qualified nurse, spending two years in
one of the large hospitals. She is, it appears, a very deeply read
and well educated woman now, thanks to her own exertions, and in
addition to speaking Russian, German, and English fluently, she
is about the best speaker among the Anarchists in the United States
at the present time. She does not, says the “foreign exponent,”
make a living out of her lectures. Her trips across America are
undertaken by invitation, and her expenses are always guaranteed.
She only goes lecturing, it appears, when work is slack. At the
present time Emma Goldman is about 35 years of age.