M’Kinley at Pan-American
Presidential Party Journeyed from Canton, O., to Buffalo, N. Y.,
Will Be the Chief Figures at the President’s Day Exercises at the
Pan-American Exposition Today.
Train Reached the Exposition City Early Last Evening.
Canton, O., Sept. 4.—The president
and Mrs. McKinley and party are on their way to Buffalo. They left
at 10 a. m. to-day on a special train over the Pennsylvania. They
go to Cleveland via Alliance and reach Buffalo over the Lake Shore.
The train consists of a combination car and two Pullmans, the Omena
and the Columbia, the latter occupied by the president and Mrs.
McKinley. Besides the members of the household and the executive
forces, the party included Misses Mary and Ida Barber, Mrs. McKinley’s
nieces. They will be joined at Cleveland by Miss Sarah Duncan, the
president’s niece. The train is scheduled to reach Buffalo at 4:55
this evening.
Cleveland, Sept. 4.—The presidential
train reached here at 12:20 and was transferred to the Lake Shore,
over which road it left at 1 o’clock.
Buffalo, Sept. 4.—President McKinley,
in whose honor, Thursday, Sept. 5, has been set aside on the Pan-American
exposition calendar, entered Buffalo to-night through the portals
of the Rainbow City. The screeching of whistles and the booming
of guns greeted the president’s train as it passed along the lake
and river fronts over the belt line tracks to the exposition grounds.
As the train flashed past the front a salute of twenty-one guns
boomed forth from Fort Porter. An immense crowd had assembled at
the railroad terminal at the exposition grounds to await the arrival
of the president. A great cheer went up from the thousands who caught
a glimpse of the president, and it was taken up and re-echoed by
the others further back, who, although they could not see the president,
knew what the cheering meant. President and Mrs. McKinley and John
G. Milburn, president of the exposition company, entered the first
carriage. Cheer after cheer went up from the great throng. The president
acknowledged the salutations of the crowds by bowing and raising
his hat. The party was driven rapidly from the station out on Lincoln
parkway and up the parkway to Delaware avenue, to the home of Mr.
Milburn, whose guest President and Mrs. McKinley and the members
of their party will be during their stay in the city. The president
remained quietly in the house during the evening, retiring at an
early hour.