Publication information

Los Angeles Herald
Source type: newspaper
Document type: article
Document title: “Denver Is Ready for Anarchists”
Author(s): anonymous
City of publication: Los Angeles, California
Date of publication: 9 September 1901
Volume number: 28
Issue number: 344
Pagination: 3

“Denver Is Ready for Anarchists.” Los Angeles Herald 9 Sept. 1901 v28n344: p. 3.
full text
W. Neil Dennison; McKinley assassination (personal response); anarchism (personal response); lawlessness (mob rule: Denver, CO); anarchism (Denver, CO); W. Neil Dennison (public statements).
Named persons
W. Neil Dennison [misspelled below]; William McKinley.

Denver Is Ready for Anarchists


(Special Dispatch to The Herald.)

     DENVER, Sept. 8.—Colonel Neil Denison, president of the Ohio society [sic] and a personal friend of President McKinley, is on the lookout for anarchists in Denver. The colonel has organized a vigilance committee with himself at the head, named a sheriff and other officers, whose names are not made public. The leading members of the committee will be present at any meeting which may be held where anarchistic sentiments may be expressed.
     “If any speaker says he is glad the president was shot I would not give 5 cents for that man’s life,” says Colonel Denison. “We are prepared to clean out the anarchists of this city, and we will do it in broad daylight. I will appear as public prosecutor and if two citizens of repute declare that a man has uttered anarchistic sentiments that anarchist will die. We are organized and ready for action.”