Publication information

Mount Airy News
Source type: newspaper
Document type: article
Document title: “Sensational Sermon by a Nashville Minister”
Author(s): anonymous
City of publication: Mount Airy, North Carolina
Date of publication: 3 October 1901
Volume number: 22
Issue number: 15
Pagination: [2]

“Sensational Sermon by a Nashville Minister.” Mount Airy News 3 Oct. 1901 v22n15: p. [2].
full text
C. C. Cline; McKinley assassination (religious interpretation); C. C. Cline (public statements); William McKinley (presidential character: criticism); Theodore Roosevelt (political character); Theodore Roosevelt (assumption of presidency: personal response).
Named persons
C. C. Cline; James A. Garfield; Abraham Lincoln; William McKinley; Theodore Roosevelt.

Sensational Sermon by a Nashville Minister

     Nashville, Tenn., Sept. 23.—“Was the assassination of President McKinley the will of God?”
     This was the subject of a sensational sermon last night by Rev. C. C. Cline, pastor of the Johnson Avenue Christian church, one of the leading congregations of the city.
     He said the death was the will of God, as had been the displacement of four Kings and Rulers in Bible times, and the assassination of Lincoln and Garfield.
     He declared God was jealous for the poor and oppressed and that President McKinley was a commercial president, harboring corporations to the detriment of the masses.
     “McKinley was weighed by God and found wanting.” “He was abnormally a financial President. He was the best servant the corporations ever had in the White House.
     “I see in Roosevelt a solution of the labor problem. There is no use in hanging anarchists. Go to the hot bed of anarchy—plutocracy.
     “Give the masses legislation and not the few who work the masses. The first blessing is Roosevelt’s friendship for the masses and the second, the removal of anarchy.”
     Rev. Dr. Cline declared the President was controlled by the corporate influences and spoke of his alleged friendship for catholic force.
     “We have an untrameled [sic] President now, except for one promise that he will carry out McKinley’s plans and I regret it.”