Publication information

Macon Beacon
Source type: newspaper
Document type: article
Document title: none
Author(s): anonymous
City of publication: Macon, Mississippi
Date of publication: 14 June 1902
Volume number: 52
Issue number: 32
Pagination: [2]

[untitled]. Macon Beacon 14 June 1902 v52n32: p. [2].
full text
James B. Parker (public addresses).
Named persons
Leon Czolgosz; William McKinley; James B. Parker.


     James B. Parker, the negro who knocked down the assassin of President McKinley in Buffalo last September, and who took an active part in the arrest of Czolgosz, arrived in Jackson last evening and lectured at the A. M. E. church on Pearl street [sic].—Clarion-Ledger.