Publication information

Minneapolis Journal
Source type: newspaper
Document type: article
Document title: “Would Wreck Funeral Train”
Author(s): anonymous
City of publication: Minneapolis, Minnesota
Date of publication: 18 September 1901
Volume number: none
Issue number: none
Pagination: 1

“Would Wreck Funeral Train.” Minneapolis Journal 18 Sept. 1901: p. 1.
full text
McKinley funeral train (plots against).
Named persons
George W. Creighton.

Would Wreck Funeral Train

New York Sun Special Service
     Rochester, N. Y., Sept. 18.—All agents on the Allegheny division of the Pennsylvania railroad received this important and highly sensational dispatch on Sunday night:

     Men were seen tampering with the track near Isehua [sic] late to-night. Instruct all trackmen to remain on duty until after the funeral train has passed.

—Creighton, Superintendent.               

     It is believed that anarchists had perfected a plot to wreck the presidential funeral train and that they made the attempt on Sunday night, acting upon the incorrect information regarding the time of its departure from Buffalo and probable hour of passing Ischua. Ischua is a small station in this state, fifty-seven miles from Buffalo, on the Allegheny division of the Pennsylvania road. Sunday night a number of men were seen in the vicinity of Ischua placing obstacles on the track. The fact was reported to the Pennsylvania company by two men who witnessed the work of the train wreckers in time to warn the agent at Ischua. The latter saw to it that the obstructions were promptly removed. The Ischua agent saw the men at work when he approached the spot designated by his informants. The train wreckers discovered the agent before he was close enough to get a view of their features and made good their escape. On the stretch between Frankville and Olean the Washington special makes a speed of sixty miles an hour. The anarchists chose a point for their work which would have made the wreck complete and would inevitably have destroyed a large number of lives.